Starting with version 3.4.0 there is a graphical user interface that comes together with asammdf.

With the GUI tool you can

  • visualize channels
  • see channel, conversion and source metadata as stored in the MDF file
  • access library functionality for single files (convert, export, cut, filter, resample) and multiple files (concatenate, stack)

After you pip install asammdf there will be a new script called asammdf.exe in the ``python_installation_folder\Scripts`` folder.

The following dependencies are required by the GUI

  • PyQt5
  • pyqtgraph

Single files

The Single files toolbox page is used to open multiple single files for visualization and processing (for example exporting to csv or hdf5).

  1. Single files page selector
  2. Multiple files page selector
  3. Opened files tabs
  4. Quick channel search field for the current file
  5. Complete channels tree
  6. Command buttons
  7. Selected channels list
  8. Current file operations tabs

Opened files tabs

In the single files mode, you can open multiple files in parallel. The tab names have the title set to the short file name, and the complete file path can be seen as the tab tooltip.

There is no restriction, so the same file can be opened several times.

Quick channel search field for the current file

Using the Seetings->Searh menu option the user can choose how the search is performed. A positive search match will scroll the channels tree and highlight the channel entry.

When the same channel name exist several times in the file, you can switch between the occurences using the arrow buttons.

Complete channels tree

This tree contains all the channels found in the measurement.

Double clicking a channel name will display a pop-up window with the channel information (CNBLOCK, CCBLOCK and SIBLOCK/CEBLOCK)


Only the channels that are checked in the channels tree will pe selected for plotting when the Plot button willbe pressed. Checking or unchecking channels will not affect the current plot.

Command buttons

From left to right the buttons have the following functionality

  • Load channel selection list: loads a channel selection list from a text file (one channel name per line) and checks them in the channels tree is they are found.

  • Save channel selection list: saves the current checked channels names in a text file

  • Select all channels: checks all channels in the channels tree

  • Reset selection: unchecks all channels in the channels tree

  • Advanced search & select: will open an advanced search dialog

    • the dialog can use wildcard and regex patterns
    • multiple channels can be selected, and thus checked in the channels tree
  • Plot: generates the plot based on the current checked channels from the channels tree

Selected channels list

When the Plot button is pressed the checked channels will populate the Selected channels list.

Selecting items from the Selected channels list will display their Y-axis on the right side of the plot, if the items are enabled for display.

It also necessary to select a single item when the Statistics panel is active to compute the statistics for the item’s channel.


Each item has four elements

  1. display enable checkbox

  2. color select button

  3. channel name and unit label

  4. channel value label

    • the value is only displayed if the cursor or range are active. For the cursor is will show the current value, and for the range it will shwo the value delta between the range start and stop timestamps

Double clicking an item will open a range editor dialog


Here we can specify a range value visual alert. When the cursor is active and the current channel value is within the specified range, the item background will change to the selected color.



The initial plot will have all channels homed (see the H keyboard shortcut) and Y-axis disabled


Selecting items from the Selected channels list will enable the Y-axis


Using the C keyboard shotcut will toggle the cursor, and with it the channel values will be displayed for each item in the Selected channels list


The Ctrl+H and Ctrl+B keyboard shortcuts will

  • change the axis values for integer channels to hex and bin mode
  • change the channel value display mode for each integer channel item in the Selected channels list
_images/cursor_hex.png _images/cursor_bin.png

Using the R keyboard shotcut will toggle the range, and with it the channel values will be displayed for each item in the Selected channels list. When the range is enabled, using the H keyboard shortcut will not home to the whole time range, but instead will use the range time interval.


The Statistics panel is toggle using the M keyboard shortcut


Multiple files

The Multiple files toolbox page is used to concatenate or stack multiple files.


The files list can be rearanged in the list (1) by drag and dropping lines. Unwanted files can be deleted by selecting them and pressing the DEL key. The files order is considered from top to bottom.