Source code for asammdf.mdf_v4

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ASAM MDF version 4 file format module

from __future__ import division, print_function

import os
import re
import sys
import time
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial, reduce
from hashlib import md5
from math import ceil
from struct import unpack, unpack_from
from tempfile import TemporaryFile

from numexpr import evaluate
from numpy import (
from numpy.core.defchararray import encode
from numpy.core.records import fromarrays, fromstring

from . import v4_constants as v4c
from .signal import Signal
from .utils import (
from .v4_blocks import (
from .version import __version__


TX = re.compile('<TX>(?P<text>(.|\n)+?)</TX>')

PYVERSION = sys.version_info[0]
if PYVERSION == 2:
    # pylint: disable=W0622
    from .utils import bytes
    # pylint: enable=W0622

__all__ = ['MDF4', ]

[docs]class MDF4(object): """If the *name* exist it will be memorised otherwise an empty file will be created that can be later saved to disk Parameters ---------- name : string mdf file name memory : str memory optimization option; default `full` * if *full* the data group binary data block will be memorised in RAM * if *low* the channel data is read from disk on request, and the metadata is memorized into RAM * if *minimum* only minimal data is memorized into RAM version : string mdf file version ('4.00', '4.10', '4.11'); default '4.10' Attributes ---------- name : string mdf file name groups : list list of data groups header : HeaderBlock mdf file header file_history : list list of (FileHistory, TextBlock) pairs comment : TextBlock mdf file comment identification : FileIdentificationBlock mdf file start block memory : str memory optimization option version : str mdf version channels_db : dict used for fast channel access by name; for each name key the value is a list of (group index, channel index) tuples masters_db : dict used for fast master channel access; for each group index key the value is the master channel index """ _compact_integers_on_append = False _split_data_blocks = False _split_threshold = 1 << 21 _overwrite = False def __init__(self, name=None, memory='full', version='4.10'): self.groups = [] self.header = None self.identification = None self.file_history = [] = name self.memory = memory self.channels_db = {} self.masters_db = {} self.attachments = [] self.file_comment = None self._ch_map = {} self._master_channel_cache = {} self._si_map = {} self._cc_map = {} # used for appending when memory=False self._tempfile = TemporaryFile() self._file = None self._tempfile.write(b'\0') if name: self._file = open(, 'rb') self._read() else: self.header = HeaderBlock() self.identification = FileIdentificationBlock(version=version) self.version = version def _check_finalised(self): flags = self.identification['unfinalized_standard_flags'] if flags & 1: message = ('Unfinalised file {}:' 'Update of cycle counters for CG/CA blocks required') warnings.warn(message.format( elif flags & 1 << 1: message = ('Unfinalised file {}:' 'Update of cycle counters for SR blocks required') warnings.warn(message.format( elif flags & 1 << 2: message = ('Unfinalised file {}:' 'Update of length for last DT block required') warnings.warn(message.format( elif flags & 1 << 3: message = ('Unfinalised file {}:' 'Update of length for last RD block required') warnings.warn(message.format( elif flags & 1 << 4: message = ('Unfinalised file {}:' 'Update of last DL block in each chained list' 'of DL blocks required') warnings.warn(message.format( elif flags & 1 << 5: message = ('Unfinalised file {}:' 'Update of cg_data_bytes and cg_inval_bytes ' 'in VLSD CG block required') warnings.warn(message.format( elif flags & 1 << 6: message = ('Unfinalised file {}:' 'Update of offset values for VLSD channel required ' 'in case a VLSD CG block is used') warnings.warn(message.format( def _read(self): stream = self._file memory = self.memory dg_cntr = 0 self.identification = FileIdentificationBlock(stream=stream) version = self.identification['version_str'] self.version = version.decode('utf-8').strip(' \n\t\0') if self.version in ('4.10', '4.11'): self._check_finalised() self.header = HeaderBlock(address=0x40, stream=stream) # read file comment if self.header['comment_addr']: self.file_comment = TextBlock( address=self.header['comment_addr'], stream=stream, ) # read file history fh_addr = self.header['file_history_addr'] while fh_addr: history_block = FileHistory(address=fh_addr, stream=stream) history_text = TextBlock( address=history_block['comment_addr'], stream=stream, ) self.file_history.append((history_block, history_text)) fh_addr = history_block['next_fh_addr'] # read attachments at_addr = self.header['first_attachment_addr'] while at_addr: texts = {} at_block = AttachmentBlock(address=at_addr, stream=stream) for key in ('file_name_addr', 'mime_addr', 'comment_addr'): addr = at_block[key] if addr: texts[key] = TextBlock(address=addr, stream=stream) self.attachments.append((at_block, texts)) at_addr = at_block['next_at_addr'] # go to first date group and read each data group sequentially dg_addr = self.header['first_dg_addr'] while dg_addr: new_groups = [] group = DataGroup(address=dg_addr, stream=stream) record_id_nr = group['record_id_len'] # go to first channel group of the current data group cg_addr = group['first_cg_addr'] cg_nr = 0 cg_size = {} while cg_addr: cg_nr += 1 grp = {} new_groups.append(grp) grp['channels'] = [] grp['channel_conversions'] = [] grp['channel_sources'] = [] grp['signal_data'] = [] grp['data_block'] = None grp['channel_dependencies'] = [] # channel_group is lsit to allow uniform handling of all texts # in save method grp['texts'] = { 'conversion_tab': [], 'channel_group': [], } # read each channel group sequentially block = ChannelGroup(address=cg_addr, stream=stream) channel_group = grp['channel_group'] = block grp['record_size'] = cg_size if channel_group['flags'] == 0: samples_size = channel_group['samples_byte_nr'] inval_size = channel_group['invalidation_bytes_nr'] record_id = channel_group['record_id'] if PYVERSION == 2: record_id = chr(record_id) cg_size[record_id] = samples_size + inval_size else: # VLDS flags record_id = channel_group['record_id'] if PYVERSION == 2: record_id = chr(record_id) cg_size[record_id] = 0 if record_id_nr: grp['sorted'] = False else: grp['sorted'] = True data_group = DataGroup(address=dg_addr, stream=stream) grp['data_group'] = data_group # read acquisition name and comment for current channel group channel_group_texts = {} for key in ('acq_name_addr', 'comment_addr'): address = channel_group[key] if address: block = TextBlock(address=address, stream=stream) if memory == 'minimum': channel_group_texts[key] = address else: channel_group_texts[key] = block if channel_group_texts: grp['texts']['channel_group'].append(channel_group_texts) else: grp['texts']['channel_group'].append(None) # go to first channel of the current channel group ch_addr = channel_group['first_ch_addr'] ch_cntr = 0 # Read channels by walking recursively in the channel group # starting from the first channel self._read_channels( ch_addr, grp, stream, dg_cntr, ch_cntr, ) cg_addr = channel_group['next_cg_addr'] dg_cntr += 1 # store channel groups record sizes dict in each # new group data belong to the initial unsorted group, and add # the key 'sorted' with the value False to use a flag; # this is used later if memory=False if memory == 'full': grp['data_location'] = v4c.LOCATION_MEMORY dat_addr = group['data_block_addr'] if record_id_nr == 0: size = channel_group['samples_byte_nr'] size *= channel_group['cycles_nr'] else: size = sum( (gp['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] + record_id_nr) * gp['channel_group']['cycles_nr'] for gp in new_groups ) data = self._read_data_block( address=dat_addr, stream=stream, size=size, ) if record_id_nr == 0: grp = new_groups[0] grp['data_location'] = v4c.LOCATION_MEMORY grp['data_block'] = DataBlock(data=data) else: cg_data = defaultdict(list) i = 0 size = len(data) while i < size: rec_id = data[i] # skip record id i += 1 rec_size = cg_size[rec_id] if rec_size: rec_data = data[i: i + rec_size] cg_data[rec_id].append(rec_data) else: rec_size = unpack('<I', data[i: i + 4])[0] i += 4 rec_data = data[i: i + rec_size] cg_data[rec_id].append(rec_data) # if 2 record id's are used skip also the second one if record_id_nr == 2: i += rec_size + 1 else: i += rec_size for grp in new_groups: grp['data_location'] = v4c.LOCATION_MEMORY record_id = grp['channel_group']['record_id'] if PYVERSION == 2: record_id = chr(record_id) data = b''.join(cg_data[record_id]) grp['channel_group']['record_id'] = 1 grp['data_block'] = DataBlock(data=data) else: for grp in new_groups: grp['data_location'] = v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE self.groups.extend(new_groups) dg_addr = group['next_dg_addr'] for grp in self.groups: for dep_list in grp['channel_dependencies']: if not dep_list: continue for dep in dep_list: if isinstance(dep, ChannelArrayBlock): conditions = ( dep['ca_type'] == v4c.CA_TYPE_LOOKUP, dep['links_nr'] == 4 * dep['dims'] + 1, ) if not all(conditions): continue for i in range(dep['dims']): ch_addr = dep['scale_axis_{}_ch_addr'.format(i)] ref_channel = self._ch_map[ch_addr] dep.referenced_channels.append(ref_channel) else: break if self.memory == 'full': self.close() self._si_map = None self._ch_map = None self._cc_map = None def _read_channels( self, ch_addr, grp, stream, dg_cntr, ch_cntr, channel_composition=False): memory = self.memory channels = grp['channels'] composition = [] while ch_addr: # read channel block and create channel object channel = Channel(address=ch_addr, stream=stream) self._ch_map[ch_addr] = (ch_cntr, dg_cntr) if memory == 'minimum': value = ch_addr else: value = channel channels.append(value) if channel_composition: composition.append(value) # read conversion block and create channel conversion object address = channel['conversion_addr'] if address: if memory == 'minimum': conv = ChannelConversion( address=address, stream=stream, ) conv_type = conv['conversion_type'] else: size = unpack('<Q',[0] raw_bytes = if raw_bytes in self._cc_map: conv = self._cc_map[raw_bytes] conv_type = conv['conversion_type'] else: conv = ChannelConversion(raw_bytes=raw_bytes) conv_type = conv['conversion_type'] if conv_type not in v4c.CONVERSIONS_WITH_TEXTS: self._cc_map[raw_bytes] = conv else: conv_type = -1 conv = None if memory == 'minimum': grp['channel_conversions'].append(address) else: grp['channel_conversions'].append(conv) conv_tabx_texts = {} # read text fields for channel conversions if conv: if memory != 'minimum': address = conv['name_addr'] if address: = get_text_v4(address, stream) address = conv['unit_addr'] if address: conv.unit = get_text_v4(address, stream) address = conv['comment_addr'] if address: conv.comment = get_text_v4(address, stream) address = conv.get('formula_addr', 0) if address: conv.formula = get_text_v4(address, stream) if conv_type in v4c.TABULAR_CONVERSIONS: if conv_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TTAB: tabs = conv['links_nr'] - 4 else: tabs = conv['links_nr'] - 4 - 1 for i in range(tabs): address = conv['text_{}'.format(i)] if memory == 'minimum': conv_tabx_texts['text_{}'.format(i)] = address else: if address: block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) conv_tabx_texts['text_{}'.format(i)] = block else: conv_tabx_texts['text_{}'.format(i)] = None if conv_type != v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TTAB: address = conv.get('default_addr', 0) if address: if memory == 'minimum': conv_tabx_texts['default_addr'] = address else:, v4c.SEEK_START) blk_id = if blk_id == b'##TX': block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) conv_tabx_texts['default_addr'] = block elif blk_id == b'##CC': block = ChannelConversion( address=address, stream=stream, ) text = str(time.clock()).encode('utf-8') default_text = block default_text['text'] = text conv['unit_addr'] = default_text['unit_addr'] default_text['unit_addr'] = 0 elif conv_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TRANS: # link_nr - common links (4) - default text link (1) for i in range((conv['links_nr'] - 4 - 1) // 2): for key in ('input_{}_addr'.format(i), 'output_{}_addr'.format(i)): address = conv[key] if address: if memory == 'minimum': conv_tabx_texts[key] = address else: block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) conv_tabx_texts[key] = block address = conv['default_addr'] if address: if memory == 'minimum': conv_tabx_texts['default_addr'] = address else: block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) conv_tabx_texts['default_addr'] = block if conv_tabx_texts: grp['texts']['conversion_tab'].append(conv_tabx_texts) else: grp['texts']['conversion_tab'].append(None) # read source block and create source information object address = channel['source_addr'] if address: if memory == 'minimum': grp['channel_sources'].append(address) else:, v4c.SEEK_START) raw_bytes = if raw_bytes in self._si_map: grp['channel_sources'].append(self._si_map[raw_bytes]) else: source = SourceInformation( raw_bytes=raw_bytes, ) grp['channel_sources'].append(source) address = source['name_addr'] if address: = get_text_v4(address, stream) address = source['path_addr'] if address: source.path = get_text_v4(address, stream) address = source['comment_addr'] if address: source.comment = get_text_v4(address, stream) self._si_map[raw_bytes] = source else: if memory == 'minimum': grp['channel_sources'].append(0) else: grp['channel_sources'].append(None) if memory != 'minimum': address = channel['unit_addr'] if address: channel.unit = get_text_v4(address, stream) address = channel['comment_addr'] if address: block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) name = ( block['text'] .decode('utf-8') .split('\\')[0] .strip(' \t\n\r\0') ) channel.comment = name channel.comment_type = block['id'] = name = get_text_v4(channel['name_addr'], stream) if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) if channel['channel_type'] in MASTER_CHANNELS: self.masters_db[dg_cntr] = ch_cntr ch_cntr += 1 if channel['component_addr']: # check if it is a CABLOCK or CNBLOCK['component_addr'], v4c.SEEK_START) blk_id = if blk_id == b'##CN': index = ch_cntr - 1 grp['channel_dependencies'].append(None) ch_cntr, composition = self._read_channels( channel['component_addr'], grp, stream, dg_cntr, ch_cntr, True, ) grp['channel_dependencies'][index] = composition else: # only channel arrays with storage=CN_TEMPLATE are # supported so far ca_block = ChannelArrayBlock( address=channel['component_addr'], stream=stream, ) if ca_block['storage'] != v4c.CA_STORAGE_TYPE_CN_TEMPLATE: warnings.warn('Only CN template arrays are supported') ca_list = [ca_block, ] while ca_block['composition_addr']: ca_block = ChannelArrayBlock( address=ca_block['composition_addr'], stream=stream, ) ca_list.append(ca_block) grp['channel_dependencies'].append(ca_list) else: grp['channel_dependencies'].append(None) # go to next channel of the current channel group ch_addr = channel['next_ch_addr'] return ch_cntr, composition def _read_data_block(self, address, stream, size=-1): """read and aggregate data blocks for a given data group Returns ------- data : bytes aggregated raw data """ orig = address if address:, v4c.SEEK_START) id_string = # can be a DataBlock if id_string == b'##DT': data = DataBlock(address=address, stream=stream) data = data['data'] # or a DataZippedBlock elif id_string == b'##DZ': data = DataZippedBlock(address=address, stream=stream) data = data['data'] # or a DataList elif id_string == b'##DL': if size >= 0: data = bytearray(size) view = memoryview(data) position = 0 while address: dl = DataList(address=address, stream=stream) for i in range(dl['links_nr'] - 1): addr = dl['data_block_addr{}'.format(i)], v4c.SEEK_START) id_string = if id_string == b'##DT': _, dim, __ = unpack('<4s2Q', dim -= 24 position += stream.readinto(view[position: position+dim]) elif id_string == b'##DZ': block = DataZippedBlock( stream=stream, address=addr, ) uncompressed_size = block['original_size'] view[position: position+uncompressed_size] = block['data'] position += uncompressed_size address = dl['next_dl_addr'] else: data = [] while address: dl = DataList(address=address, stream=stream) for i in range(dl['links_nr'] - 1): addr = dl['data_block_addr{}'.format(i)], v4c.SEEK_START) id_string = if id_string == b'##DT': block = DataBlock(stream=stream, address=addr) data.append(block['data']) elif id_string == b'##DZ': block = DataZippedBlock( stream=stream, address=addr, ) data.append(block['data']) address = dl['next_dl_addr'] data = b''.join(data) # or a header list elif id_string == b'##HL': hl = HeaderList(address=address, stream=stream) data = self._read_data_block( address=hl['first_dl_addr'], stream=stream, ) else: data = b'' return data def _load_group_data(self, group): """ get group's data block bytes """ if self.memory == 'full': data = group['data_block']['data'] else: # could be an appended group # for now appended groups keep the measured data in the memory. # the plan is to use a temp file for appended groups, to keep the # memory usage low. data_group = group['data_group'] channel_group = group['channel_group'] if group['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE: # go to the first data block of the current data group stream = self._file dat_addr = data_group['data_block_addr'] data = self._read_data_block( address=dat_addr, stream=stream, ) if not group['sorted']: cg_data = [] cg_size = group['record_size'] record_id = channel_group['record_id'] if PYVERSION == 2: record_id = chr(record_id) if data_group['record_id_len'] <= 2: record_id_nr = data_group['record_id_len'] else: record_id_nr = 0 i = 0 size = len(data) while i < size: rec_id = data[i] # skip record id i += 1 rec_size = cg_size[rec_id] if rec_size: if rec_id == record_id: rec_data = data[i: i + rec_size] cg_data.append(rec_data) else: rec_size = unpack('<I', data[i: i + 4])[0] i += 4 if rec_id == record_id: rec_data = data[i: i + rec_size] cg_data.append(rec_data) # consider the second record ID byte if record_id_nr == 2: i += rec_size + 1 else: i += rec_size data = b''.join(cg_data) elif group['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_TEMPORARY_FILE: dat_addr = data_group['data_block_addr'] if dat_addr: cycles_nr = channel_group['cycles_nr'] samples_byte_nr = channel_group['samples_byte_nr'] size = cycles_nr * samples_byte_nr, v4c.SEEK_START) data = else: data = b'' return data def _load_signal_data(self, address): """ this method is used to get the channel signal data, usually for VLSD channels """ if address: if self._file.closed: self._file = open(, 'rb') stream = self._file, v4c.SEEK_START) blk_id = if blk_id == b'##SD': data = SignalDataBlock(address=address, stream=stream) data = data['data'] elif blk_id == b'##DZ': data = DataZippedBlock(address=address, stream=stream) data = data['data'] elif blk_id == b'##DL': data = [] while address: # the data list will contain only links to SDBLOCK's data_list = DataList(address=address, stream=stream) nr = data_list['links_nr'] # aggregate data from all SDBLOCK for i in range(nr - 1): addr = data_list['data_block_addr{}'.format(i)], v4c.SEEK_START) blk_id = if blk_id == b'##SD': block = SignalDataBlock( address=addr, stream=stream, ) data.append(block['data']) elif blk_id == b'##DZ': block = DataZippedBlock( address=addr, stream=stream, ) data.append(block['data']) else: message = ('Expected SD, DZ or DL block at {} ' 'but found id="{}"') message = message.format(hex(address), blk_id) warnings.warn(message) return b'' address = data_list['next_dl_addr'] data = b''.join(data) elif blk_id == b'##CN': data = b'' else: message = ('Expected SD, DL, DZ or CN block at {} ' 'but found id="{}"') message = message.format(hex(address), blk_id) warnings.warn(message) data = b'' if self.memory == 'full': self.close() else: data = b'' return data def _prepare_record(self, group): """ compute record dtype and parents dict fro this group Parameters ---------- group : dict MDF group dict Returns ------- parents, dtypes : dict, numpy.dtype mapping of channels to records fields, records fields dtype """ grp = group stream = self._file memory = self.memory channel_group = grp['channel_group'] if memory == 'minimum': channels = [ Channel(address=ch_addr, stream=stream) for ch_addr in grp['channels'] ] else: channels = grp['channels'] record_size = channel_group['samples_byte_nr'] invalidation_bytes_nr = channel_group['invalidation_bytes_nr'] next_byte_aligned_position = 0 types = [] current_parent = "" parent_start_offset = 0 parents = {} group_channels = set() sortedchannels = sorted(enumerate(channels), key=lambda i: i[1]) for original_index, new_ch in sortedchannels: start_offset = new_ch['byte_offset'] bit_offset = new_ch['bit_offset'] data_type = new_ch['data_type'] bit_count = new_ch['bit_count'] ch_type = new_ch['channel_type'] dependency_list = grp['channel_dependencies'][original_index] if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock( address=new_ch['name_addr'], stream=stream, ) name = ( block['text'] .decode('utf-8') .strip(' \r\n\t\0') .split('\\')[0] ) else: name = # handle multiple occurance of same channel name name = get_unique_name(group_channels, name) group_channels.add(name) if start_offset >= next_byte_aligned_position: if ch_type not in (v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VIRTUAL_MASTER, v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VIRTUAL): if not dependency_list: parent_start_offset = start_offset # check if there are byte gaps in the record gap = parent_start_offset - next_byte_aligned_position if gap: types.append(('', 'a{}'.format(gap))) # adjust size to 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes size = bit_offset + bit_count if data_type not in (v4c.DATA_TYPE_BYTEARRAY, v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_8, v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_LATIN_1, v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_16_BE, v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_16_LE, v4c.DATA_TYPE_CANOPEN_TIME, v4c.DATA_TYPE_CANOPEN_DATE): if size > 32: size = 8 elif size > 16: size = 4 elif size > 8: size = 2 else: size = 1 else: size = size >> 3 next_byte_aligned_position = parent_start_offset + size if next_byte_aligned_position <= record_size: dtype_pair = name, get_fmt_v4(data_type, size) types.append(dtype_pair) parents[original_index] = name, bit_offset current_parent = name else: if isinstance(dependency_list[0], ChannelArrayBlock): ca_block = dependency_list[0] # check if there are byte gaps in the record gap = start_offset - next_byte_aligned_position if gap: dtype_pair = '', 'a{}'.format(gap) types.append(dtype_pair) size = bit_count >> 3 shape = tuple( ca_block['dim_size_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(ca_block['dims']) ) if ca_block['byte_offset_base'] // size > 1 and \ len(shape) == 1: shape += ca_block['byte_offset_base'] // size, dim = 1 for d in shape: dim *= d dtype_pair = name, get_fmt_v4(data_type, size), shape types.append(dtype_pair) current_parent = name next_byte_aligned_position = start_offset + size * dim parents[original_index] = name, 0 else: parents[original_index] = None, None # virtual channels do not have bytes in the record else: parents[original_index] = None, None else: max_overlapping_size = (next_byte_aligned_position - start_offset) * 8 needed_size = bit_offset + bit_count if max_overlapping_size >= needed_size: parents[original_index] = current_parent, ((start_offset - parent_start_offset) << 3) + bit_offset if next_byte_aligned_position > record_size: break gap = record_size - next_byte_aligned_position if gap > 0: dtype_pair = '', 'a{}'.format(gap) types.append(dtype_pair) dtype_pair = 'invalidation_bytes', 'u1', invalidation_bytes_nr types.append(dtype_pair) if PYVERSION == 2: types = fix_dtype_fields(types) return parents, dtype(types) def _get_not_byte_aligned_data(self, data, group, ch_nr): big_endian_types = ( v4c.DATA_TYPE_UNSIGNED_MOTOROLA, v4c.DATA_TYPE_REAL_MOTOROLA, v4c.DATA_TYPE_SIGNED_MOTOROLA, ) record_size = group['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] if self.memory == 'minimum': channel = Channel( address=group['channels'][ch_nr], stream=self._file, ) else: channel = group['channels'][ch_nr] bit_offset = channel['bit_offset'] byte_offset = channel['byte_offset'] bit_count = channel['bit_count'] dependencies = group['channel_dependencies'][ch_nr] if dependencies and isinstance(dependencies[0], ChannelArrayBlock): ca_block = dependencies[0] size = bit_count >> 3 shape = tuple( ca_block['dim_size_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(ca_block['dims']) ) if ca_block['byte_offset_base'] // size > 1 and len(shape) == 1: shape += (ca_block['byte_offset_base'] // size, ) dim = 1 for d in shape: dim *= d size *= dim bit_count = size << 3 byte_count = bit_offset + bit_count if byte_count % 8: byte_count = (byte_count >> 3) + 1 else: byte_count >>= 3 types = [ ('', 'a{}'.format(byte_offset)), ('vals', '({},)u1'.format(byte_count)), ('', 'a{}'.format(record_size - byte_count - byte_offset)), ] vals = fromstring(data, dtype=dtype(types)) vals.setflags(write=False) vals = vals['vals'] if channel['data_type'] not in big_endian_types: vals = flip(vals, 1) vals = unpackbits(vals) vals = roll(vals, bit_offset) vals = vals.reshape((len(vals) // 8, 8)) vals = packbits(vals) vals = vals.reshape((len(vals) // byte_count, byte_count)) if bit_count < 64: mask = 2 ** bit_count - 1 masks = [] while mask: masks.append(mask & 0xFF) mask >>= 8 for i in range(byte_count - len(masks)): masks.append(0) masks = masks[::-1] for i, mask in enumerate(masks): vals[:, i] &= mask if channel['data_type'] not in big_endian_types: vals = flip(vals, 1) if bit_count <= 8: size = 1 elif bit_count <= 16: size = 2 elif bit_count <= 32: size = 4 elif bit_count <= 64: size = 8 else: size = bit_count // 8 if size > byte_count: extra_bytes = size - byte_count extra = zeros((len(vals), extra_bytes), dtype=uint8) types = [ ('vals', vals.dtype, vals.shape[1:]), ('', extra.dtype, extra.shape[1:]), ] vals = fromarrays([vals, extra], dtype=dtype(types)) vals = vals.tostring() fmt = get_fmt_v4(channel['data_type'], size) if size <= byte_count: types = [ ('vals', fmt), ('', 'a{}'.format(byte_count - size)), ] else: types = [('vals', fmt), ] vals = fromstring(vals, dtype=dtype(types)) if channel['data_type'] in v4c.SIGNED_INT: return as_non_byte_sized_signed_int(vals['vals'], bit_count) else: return vals['vals'] def _validate_channel_selection(self, name=None, group=None, index=None): """Gets channel comment. Channel can be specified in two ways: * using the first positional argument *name* * if there are multiple occurrences for this channel then the *group* and *index* arguments can be used to select a specific group. * if there are multiple occurrences for this channel and either the *group* or *index* arguments is None then a warning is issued * using the group number (keyword argument *group*) and the channel number (keyword argument *index*). Use *info* method for group and channel numbers If the *raster* keyword argument is not *None* the output is interpolated accordingly. Parameters ---------- name : string name of channel group : int 0-based group index index : int 0-based channel index Returns ------- group_index, channel_index : (int, int) selected channel's group and channel index """ if name is None: if group is None or index is None: message = ( 'Invalid arguments for channel selection: ' 'must give "name" or, "group" and "index"' ) raise MdfException(message) else: gp_nr, ch_nr = group, index if gp_nr > len(self.groups) - 1: raise MdfException('Group index out of range') if index > len(self.groups[gp_nr]['channels']) - 1: raise MdfException('Channel index out of range') else: name = name.split('\\')[0] if name not in self.channels_db: raise MdfException('Channel "{}" not found'.format(name)) else: if group is None: gp_nr, ch_nr = self.channels_db[name][0] if len(self.channels_db[name]) > 1: message = ( 'Multiple occurances for channel "{}". ' 'Using first occurance from data group {}. ' 'Provide both "group" and "index" arguments' ' to select another data group' ) message = message.format(name, gp_nr) warnings.warn(message) else: for gp_nr, ch_nr in self.channels_db[name]: if gp_nr == group: if index is None: break elif index == ch_nr: break else: if index is None: message = 'Channel "{}" not found in group {}' message = message.format(name, group) else: message = ( 'Channel "{}" not found in group {} ' 'at index {}' ) message = message.format(name, group, index) raise MdfException(message) return gp_nr, ch_nr
[docs] def append(self, signals, source_info='Python', common_timebase=False): """ Appends a new data group. For channel dependencies type Signals, the *samples* attribute must be a numpy.recarray Parameters ---------- signals : list list on *Signal* objects source_info : str source information; default 'Python' common_timebase : bool flag to hint that the signals have the same timebase Examples -------- >>> # case 1 conversion type None >>> s1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> s2 = np.array([-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]) >>> s3 = np.array([0.1, 0.04, 0.09, 0.16, 0.25]) >>> t = np.array([0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005]) >>> names = ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Float'] >>> units = ['+', '-', '.f'] >>> info = {} >>> s1 = Signal(samples=s1, timstamps=t, unit='+', name='Positive') >>> s2 = Signal(samples=s2, timstamps=t, unit='-', name='Negative') >>> s3 = Signal(samples=s3, timstamps=t, unit='flts', name='Floats') >>> mdf = MDF3('new.mdf') >>> mdf.append([s1, s2, s3], 'created by asammdf v1.1.0') >>> # case 2: VTAB conversions from channels inside another file >>> mdf1 = MDF3('in.mdf') >>> ch1 = mdf1.get("Channel1_VTAB") >>> ch2 = mdf1.get("Channel2_VTABR") >>> sigs = [ch1, ch2] >>> mdf2 = MDF3('out.mdf') >>> mdf2.append(sigs, 'created by asammdf v1.1.0') """ if not signals: message = '"append" requires a non-empty list of Signal objects' raise MdfException(message) # check if the signals have a common timebase # if not interpolate the signals using the union of all timbases t_ = signals[0].timestamps if not common_timebase: for s in signals[1:]: if not array_equal(s.timestamps, t_): different = True break else: different = False if different: times = [s.timestamps for s in signals] t = reduce(union1d, times).flatten().astype(float64) signals = [s.interp(t) for s in signals] times = None else: t = t_ else: t = t_ # split regular from composed signals. Composed signals have recarray # samples or multimendional ndarray. # The regular signals will be first added to the group. # The composed signals will be saved along side the fields, which will # be saved as new signals. simple_signals = [ sig for sig in signals if len(sig.samples.shape) <= 1 and sig.samples.dtype.names is None ] composed_signals = [ sig for sig in signals if len(sig.samples.shape) > 1 or sig.samples.dtype.names ] dg_cntr = len(self.groups) gp = {} gp['channels'] = gp_channels = [] gp['channel_conversions'] = gp_conv = [] gp['channel_sources'] = gp_source = [] gp['channel_dependencies'] = gp_dep = [] gp['texts'] = gp_texts = { 'conversion_tab': [], 'channel_group': [], } self.groups.append(gp) cycles_nr = len(t) fields = [] types = [] parents = {} ch_cntr = 0 offset = 0 field_names = set() # setup all blocks related to the time master channel # time channel texts for key in ('conversion_tab',): gp_texts[key].append(None) memory = self.memory file = self._tempfile write = file.write tell = file.tell if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text='t', meta=False) channel_name_addr = tell() write(bytes(block)) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text='s', meta=False) channel_unit_addr = tell() write(bytes(block)) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=source_info, meta=False) source_text_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: source_text_address = 0 source_block = SourceInformation( name_addr=source_text_address, path_addr=source_text_address, ) = source_block.path = source_info source_info_address = tell() write(bytes(source_block)) # conversion and source for time channel if memory == 'minimum': gp_conv.append(0) gp_source.append(source_info_address) else: gp_conv.append(None) gp_source.append(source_block) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_addr unit_addr = channel_unit_addr else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 # time channel t_type, t_size = fmt_to_datatype_v4(t.dtype) kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_MASTER, 'data_type': t_type, 'sync_type': 1, 'byte_offset': 0, 'bit_offset': 0, 'bit_count': t_size, 'min_raw_value': t[0] if cycles_nr else 0, 'max_raw_value': t[-1] if cycles_nr else 0, 'lower_limit': t[0] if cycles_nr else 0, 'upper_limit': t[-1] if cycles_nr else 0, 'flags': v4c.FLAG_PHY_RANGE_OK | v4c.FLAG_VAL_RANGE_OK, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, } ch = Channel(**kargs) name = 't' if memory == 'minimum': address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) else: = name ch.unit = 's' gp_channels.append(ch) if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) self.masters_db[dg_cntr] = 0 # data group record parents parents[ch_cntr] = name, 0 # time channel doesn't have channel dependencies gp_dep.append(None) fields.append(t) types.append((name, t.dtype)) field_names.add(name) offset += t_size // 8 ch_cntr += 1 if self._compact_integers_on_append: compacted_signals = [ {'signal': sig} for sig in simple_signals if sig.samples.dtype.kind in 'ui' ] max_itemsize = 1 dtype_ = dtype(uint8) for signal in compacted_signals: itemsize = signal['signal'].samples.dtype.itemsize min_val, max_val = get_min_max(signal['signal'].samples) signal['min'], signal['max'] = min_val, max_val minimum_bitlength = (itemsize // 2) * 8 + 1 bit_length = max( int(min_val).bit_length(), int(max_val).bit_length(), ) bit_length += 1 signal['bit_count'] = max(minimum_bitlength, bit_length) if itemsize > max_itemsize: dtype_ = dtype('<u{}'.format(itemsize)) max_itemsize = itemsize compacted_signals.sort(key=lambda x: x['bit_count']) simple_signals = [ sig for sig in simple_signals if sig.samples.dtype.kind not in 'ui' ] dtype_size = dtype_.itemsize * 8 else: compacted_signals = [] # first try to compact unsigned integers while compacted_signals: # channels texts cluster = [] tail = compacted_signals.pop() size = tail['bit_count'] cluster.append(tail) while size < dtype_size and compacted_signals: head = compacted_signals[0] head_size = head['bit_count'] if head_size + size > dtype_size: break else: cluster.append(compacted_signals.pop(0)) size += head_size bit_offset = 0 field_name = get_unique_name(field_names, 'COMPACT') types.append((field_name, dtype_)) field_names.add(field_name) values = zeros(cycles_nr, dtype=dtype_) for signal_d in cluster: signal = signal_d['signal'] bit_count = signal_d['bit_count'] min_val = signal_d['min'] max_val = signal_d['max'] name = gp_texts['conversion_tab'].append(None) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=name, meta=False) channel_name_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.unit: block = TextBlock(text=signal.unit, meta=False) channel_unit_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_unit_address = 0 if signal.comment: block = TextBlock(text=signal.comment, meta=False) channel_comment_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_comment_address = 0 # conversions for channel info = conv_texts_tab = {} if info and 'raw' in info: kargs = {} raw = info['raw'] phys = info['phys'] if raw.dtype.kind == 'S': kargs['conversion_type'] = v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TTAB for i, (r_, p_) in enumerate(zip(raw, phys)): kargs['text_{}'.format(i)] = 0 kargs['val_{}'.format(i)] = p_ block = TextBlock( text=r_, meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = address write(bytes(block)) kargs['val_default'] = info['default'] kargs['links_nr'] = len(raw) + 4 else: kargs['conversion_type'] = v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TABX for i, (r_, p_) in enumerate(zip(raw, phys)): kargs['text_{}'.format(i)] = 0 kargs['val_{}'.format(i)] = r_ block = TextBlock( text=p_, meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = address write(bytes(block)) if 'default' in info: block = TextBlock( text=info['default'], meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = address write(bytes(block)) kargs['links_nr'] = len(raw) + 5 block = ChannelConversion(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(block) else: address = tell() gp_conv.append(address) write(bytes(block)) elif info and 'lower' in info: kargs = {} kargs['conversion_type'] = v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_RTABX lower = info['lower'] upper = info['upper'] texts = info['phys'] kargs['ref_param_nr'] = len(upper) kargs['links_nr'] = len(lower) + 5 for i, (u_, l_, t_) in enumerate(zip(upper, lower, texts)): kargs['lower_{}'.format(i)] = l_ kargs['upper_{}'.format(i)] = u_ kargs['text_{}'.format(i)] = 0 block = TextBlock( text=t_, meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = address write(bytes(block)) if 'default' in info: block = TextBlock( text=info['default'], meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = address write(bytes(block)) block = ChannelConversion(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(block) else: address = tell() gp_conv.append(address) write(bytes(block)) else: if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(None) else: gp_conv.append(0) if conv_texts_tab: gp_texts['conversion_tab'][-1] = conv_texts_tab # source for channel if memory != 'minimum': gp_source.append(source_block) else: gp_source.append(source_info_address) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_address unit_addr = channel_unit_address comment_addr = channel_comment_address else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 comment_addr = 0 # compute additional byte offset for large records size if signal.samples.dtype.kind == 'u': data_type = v4c.DATA_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INTEL else: data_type = v4c.DATA_TYPE_SIGNED_INTEL kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, 'bit_count': bit_count, 'byte_offset': offset + bit_offset // 8, 'bit_offset': bit_offset % 8, 'data_type': data_type, 'min_raw_value': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'max_raw_value': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'lower_limit': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'upper_limit': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, 'comment_addr': comment_addr, } if min_val > max_val: kargs['flags'] = 0 else: kargs['flags'] = v4c.FLAG_PHY_RANGE_OK | v4c.FLAG_VAL_RANGE_OK ch = Channel(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': = name ch.unit = signal.unit ch.comment = signal.comment gp_channels.append(ch) else: address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) # update the parents as well parents[ch_cntr] = field_name, bit_offset values += signal.samples.astype(dtype_) << bit_offset bit_offset += bit_count ch_cntr += 1 # simple channels don't have channel dependencies gp_dep.append(None) offset += dtype_.itemsize fields.append(values) # first add the signals in the simple signal list for signal in simple_signals: name = gp_texts['conversion_tab'].append(None) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=name, meta=False) channel_name_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.unit: block = TextBlock( text=signal.unit, meta=False, ) channel_unit_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_unit_address = 0 if signal.comment: block = TextBlock(text=signal.comment, meta=False) channel_comment_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_comment_address = 0 # conversions for channel info = conv_texts_tab = {} if info and 'raw' in info: kargs = {} raw = info['raw'] phys = info['phys'] if raw.dtype.kind == 'S': kargs['conversion_type'] = v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TTAB for i, (r_, p_) in enumerate(zip(raw, phys)): kargs['text_{}'.format(i)] = 0 kargs['val_{}'.format(i)] = p_ block = TextBlock( text=r_, meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = address write(bytes(block)) kargs['val_default'] = info['default'] kargs['links_nr'] = len(raw) + 4 else: kargs['conversion_type'] = v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TABX for i, (r_, p_) in enumerate(zip(raw, phys)): kargs['text_{}'.format(i)] = 0 kargs['val_{}'.format(i)] = r_ block = TextBlock( text=p_, meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = address write(bytes(block)) if 'default' in info: block = TextBlock( text=info['default'], meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = address write(bytes(block)) kargs['links_nr'] = len(raw) + 5 block = ChannelConversion(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(block) else: address = tell() gp_conv.append(address) write(bytes(block)) elif info and 'lower' in info: kargs = {} kargs['conversion_type'] = v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_RTABX lower = info['lower'] upper = info['upper'] texts = info['phys'] kargs['ref_param_nr'] = len(upper) kargs['links_nr'] = len(lower) + 5 for i, (u_, l_, t_) in enumerate(zip(upper, lower, texts)): kargs['lower_{}'.format(i)] = l_ kargs['upper_{}'.format(i)] = u_ kargs['text_{}'.format(i)] = 0 block = TextBlock( text=t_, meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['text_{}'.format(i)] = address write(bytes(block)) if 'default' in info: block = TextBlock( text=info['default'], meta=False, ) if memory != 'minimum': conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = block else: address = tell() conv_texts_tab['default_addr'] = address write(bytes(block)) block = ChannelConversion(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(block) else: address = tell() gp_conv.append(address) write(bytes(block)) else: if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(None) else: gp_conv.append(0) if conv_texts_tab: gp_texts['conversion_tab'][-1] = conv_texts_tab # source for channel if memory != 'minimum': gp_source.append(source_block) else: gp_source.append(source_info_address) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_address unit_addr = channel_unit_address comment_addr = channel_comment_address else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 comment_addr = 0 # compute additional byte offset for large records size s_type, s_size = fmt_to_datatype_v4(signal.samples.dtype) byte_size = max(s_size // 8, 1) min_val, max_val = get_min_max(signal.samples) kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, 'bit_count': s_size, 'byte_offset': offset, 'bit_offset': 0, 'data_type': s_type, 'min_raw_value': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'max_raw_value': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'lower_limit': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'upper_limit': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, 'comment_addr': comment_addr, } if min_val > max_val: kargs['flags'] = 0 else: kargs['flags'] = v4c.FLAG_PHY_RANGE_OK | v4c.FLAG_VAL_RANGE_OK ch = Channel(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': = name ch.unit = signal.unit ch.comment = signal.comment gp_channels.append(ch) else: address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) offset += byte_size if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) # update the parents as well field_name = get_unique_name(field_names, name) parents[ch_cntr] = field_name, 0 fields.append(signal.samples) types.append((field_name, signal.samples.dtype)) field_names.add(field_name) ch_cntr += 1 # simple channels don't have channel dependencies gp_dep.append(None) canopen_time_fields = ( 'ms', 'days', ) canopen_date_fields = ( 'ms', 'min', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'summer_time', 'day_of_week', ) for signal in composed_signals: names = signal.samples.dtype.names if names is None: names = [] name = if names in (canopen_time_fields, canopen_date_fields): field_name = get_unique_name(field_names, name) field_names.add(field_name) if names == canopen_time_fields: vals = signal.samples.tostring() fields.append(frombuffer(vals, dtype='V6')) types.append((field_name, 'V6')) byte_size = 6 s_type = v4c.DATA_TYPE_CANOPEN_TIME else: vals = [] for field in ('ms', 'min', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'): vals.append(signal.samples[field]) vals = fromarrays(vals).tostring() fields.append(frombuffer(vals, dtype='V7')) types.append((field_name, 'V7')) byte_size = 7 s_type = v4c.DATA_TYPE_CANOPEN_DATE s_size = byte_size << 3 # add channel texts gp_texts['conversion_tab'].append(None) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=name, meta=False) channel_name_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.unit: block = TextBlock( text=signal.unit, meta=False, ) channel_unit_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.comment: block = TextBlock(text=signal.comment, meta=False) channel_comment_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_comment_address = 0 # add channel conversion if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(None) else: gp_conv.append(0) if memory != 'minimum': gp_source.append(source_block) else: gp_source.append(source_info_address) # there is no channel dependency gp_dep.append(None) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_address unit_addr = channel_unit_address comment_addr = channel_comment_address else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 comment_addr = 0 # add channel block kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, 'bit_count': s_size, 'byte_offset': offset, 'bit_offset': 0, 'data_type': s_type, 'min_raw_value': 0, 'max_raw_value': 0, 'lower_limit': 0, 'upper_limit': 0, 'flags': 0, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, 'comment_addr': comment_addr, } ch = Channel(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': = name ch.unit = signal.unit ch.comment = signal.comment gp_channels.append(ch) else: address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) offset += byte_size if name in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) else: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) # update the parents as well parents[ch_cntr] = field_name, 0 ch_cntr += 1 elif names and names[0] != name: # here we have a structure channel composition field_name = get_unique_name(field_names, name) field_names.add(field_name) # first we add the structure channel # add channel texts gp_texts['conversion_tab'].append(None) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=name, meta=False) channel_name_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.unit: block = TextBlock(text=signal.unit, meta=False) channel_unit_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_unit_address = 0 if signal.comment: block = TextBlock(text=signal.comment, meta=False) channel_comment_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_comment_address = 0 # add channel conversion if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(None) else: gp_conv.append(0) if memory != 'minimum': gp_source.append(source_block) else: gp_source.append(source_info_address) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_address unit_addr = channel_unit_address comment_addr = channel_comment_address else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 comment_addr = 0 # add channel block kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, 'bit_count': 8, 'byte_offset': offset, 'bit_offset': 0, 'data_type': v4c.DATA_TYPE_BYTEARRAY, 'min_raw_value': 0, 'max_raw_value': 0, 'lower_limit': 0, 'upper_limit': 0, 'flags': 0, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, 'comment_addr': comment_addr, } ch = Channel(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': = name ch.unit = signal.unit ch.comment = signal.comment gp_channels.append(ch) else: address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) # update the parents as well parents[ch_cntr] = name, 0 ch_cntr += 1 dep_list = [] gp_dep.append(dep_list) # then we add the fields for name in names: field_name = get_unique_name(field_names, name) field_names.add(field_name) samples = signal.samples[name] s_type, s_size = fmt_to_datatype_v4(samples.dtype) byte_size = s_size >> 3 fields.append(samples) types.append((field_name, samples.dtype)) # add channel texts gp_texts['conversion_tab'].append(None) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=name, meta=False) channel_name_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.unit: block = TextBlock(text=signal.unit, meta=False) channel_unit_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_unit_address = 0 if signal.comment: block = TextBlock(text=signal.comment, meta=False) channel_comment_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_comment_address = 0 # add channel conversion if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(None) else: gp_conv.append(0) # source if memory != 'minimum': gp_source.append(source_block) else: gp_source.append(source_info_address) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_address unit_addr = channel_unit_address comment_addr = channel_comment_address else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 comment_addr = 0 # add channel block min_val, max_val = get_min_max(signal.samples) kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, 'bit_count': s_size, 'byte_offset': offset, 'bit_offset': 0, 'data_type': s_type, 'min_raw_value': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'max_raw_value': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'lower_limit': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'upper_limit': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'flags': v4c.FLAG_PHY_RANGE_OK | v4c.FLAG_VAL_RANGE_OK, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, 'comment_addr': comment_addr, } ch = Channel(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': = name ch.unit = signal.unit ch.comment = signal.comment gp_channels.append(ch) dep_list.append(ch) else: address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) dep_list.append(address) offset += byte_size if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) # update the parents as well parents[ch_cntr] = field_name, 0 ch_cntr += 1 gp_dep.append(None) else: # here we have channel arrays or mdf v3 channel dependencies if names: samples = signal.samples[names[0]] else: samples = signal.samples shape = samples.shape[1:] if len(shape) > 1: # add channel dependency block for composed parent channel dims_nr = len(shape) names_nr = len(names) if names_nr == 0: kargs = { 'dims': dims_nr, 'ca_type': v4c.CA_TYPE_LOOKUP, 'flags': v4c.FLAG_CA_FIXED_AXIS, 'byte_offset_base': samples.dtype.itemsize, } for i in range(dims_nr): kargs['dim_size_{}'.format(i)] = shape[i] elif len(names) == 1: kargs = { 'dims': dims_nr, 'ca_type': v4c.CA_TYPE_ARRAY, 'flags': 0, 'byte_offset_base': samples.dtype.itemsize, } for i in range(dims_nr): kargs['dim_size_{}'.format(i)] = shape[i] else: kargs = { 'dims': dims_nr, 'ca_type': v4c.CA_TYPE_LOOKUP, 'flags': v4c.FLAG_CA_AXIS, 'byte_offset_base': samples.dtype.itemsize, } for i in range(dims_nr): kargs['dim_size_{}'.format(i)] = shape[i] parent_dep = ChannelArrayBlock(**kargs) gp_dep.append([parent_dep, ]) else: # add channel dependency block for composed parent channel kargs = { 'dims': 1, 'ca_type': v4c.CA_TYPE_SCALE_AXIS, 'flags': 0, 'byte_offset_base': samples.dtype.itemsize, 'dim_size_0': shape[0], } parent_dep = ChannelArrayBlock(**kargs) gp_dep.append([parent_dep, ]) field_name = get_unique_name(field_names, name) field_names.add(field_name) fields.append(samples) dtype_pair = field_name, samples.dtype, shape types.append(dtype_pair) # first we add the structure channel # add channel texts gp_texts['conversion_tab'].append(None) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=name, meta=False) channel_name_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.unit: block = TextBlock(text=signal.unit, meta=False) channel_unit_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_unit_address = 0 if signal.comment: block = TextBlock(text=signal.comment, meta=False) channel_comment_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_comment_address = 0 # add channel conversion if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(None) else: gp_conv.append(0) # source for channel if memory != 'minimum': gp_source.append(source_block) else: gp_source.append(source_info_address) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_address unit_addr = channel_unit_address comment_addr = channel_comment_address else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 comment_addr = 0 s_type, s_size = fmt_to_datatype_v4(samples.dtype) # add channel block kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, 'bit_count': s_size, 'byte_offset': offset, 'bit_offset': 0, 'data_type': s_type, 'min_raw_value': 0, 'max_raw_value': 0, 'lower_limit': 0, 'upper_limit': 0, 'flags': 0, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, 'comment_addr': comment_addr, } ch = Channel(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': = name ch.unit = signal.unit ch.comment = signal.comment gp_channels.append(ch) else: address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) size = s_size >> 3 for dim in shape: size *= dim offset += size if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) # update the parents as well parents[ch_cntr] = name, 0 ch_cntr += 1 for name in names[1:]: field_name = get_unique_name(field_names, name) field_names.add(field_name) samples = signal.samples[name] shape = samples.shape[1:] fields.append(samples) types.append((field_name, samples.dtype, shape)) gp_texts['conversion_tab'].append(None) if memory == 'minimum': block = TextBlock(text=name, meta=False) channel_name_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) if signal.unit: block = TextBlock(text=signal.unit, meta=False) channel_unit_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_unit_address = 0 if signal.comment: block = TextBlock(text=signal.comment, meta=False) channel_comment_address = tell() write(bytes(block)) else: channel_comment_address = 0 # add channel conversion if memory != 'minimum': gp_conv.append(None) else: gp_conv.append(0) # source for channel if memory != 'minimum': gp_source.append(source_block) else: gp_source.append(source_info_address) if memory == 'minimum': name_addr = channel_name_address unit_addr = channel_unit_address comment_addr = channel_comment_address else: name_addr = 0 unit_addr = 0 comment_addr = 0 # add channel dependency block kargs = { 'dims': 1, 'ca_type': v4c.CA_TYPE_SCALE_AXIS, 'flags': 0, 'byte_offset_base': samples.dtype.itemsize, 'dim_size_0': shape[0], } dep = ChannelArrayBlock(**kargs) gp_dep.append([dep, ]) # add components channel min_val, max_val = get_min_max(samples) s_type, s_size = fmt_to_datatype_v4(samples.dtype) byte_size = max(s_size // 8, 1) kargs = { 'channel_type': v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, 'bit_count': s_size, 'byte_offset': offset, 'bit_offset': 0, 'data_type': s_type, 'min_raw_value': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'max_raw_value': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'lower_limit': min_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'upper_limit': max_val if min_val <= max_val else 0, 'flags': v4c.FLAG_PHY_RANGE_OK | v4c.FLAG_VAL_RANGE_OK, 'name_addr': name_addr, 'unit_addr': unit_addr, 'comment_addr': comment_addr, } ch = Channel(**kargs) if memory != 'minimum': = name ch.unit = signal.unit ch.comment = signal.comment gp_channels.append(ch) else: address = tell() write(bytes(ch)) gp_channels.append(address) parent_dep.referenced_channels.append((ch_cntr, dg_cntr)) for dim in shape: byte_size *= dim offset += byte_size if name not in self.channels_db: self.channels_db[name] = [] self.channels_db[name].append((dg_cntr, ch_cntr)) # update the parents as well parents[ch_cntr] = field_name, 0 ch_cntr += 1 # channel group kargs = { 'cycles_nr': cycles_nr, 'samples_byte_nr': offset, } gp['channel_group'] = ChannelGroup(**kargs) gp['size'] = cycles_nr * offset gp_texts['channel_group'].append(None) # data group gp['data_group'] = DataGroup() # data block if PYVERSION == 2: types = fix_dtype_fields(types) types = dtype(types) gp['sorted'] = True gp['types'] = types gp['parents'] = parents samples = fromarrays(fields, dtype=types) signals = None del signals try: block = samples.tostring() if memory == 'full': gp['data_location'] = v4c.LOCATION_MEMORY gp['data_block'] = DataBlock(data=block) else: gp['data_location'] = v4c.LOCATION_TEMPORARY_FILE data_address = self._tempfile.tell() gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = data_address self._tempfile.write(bytes(block)) except MemoryError: if memory == 'full': raise else: gp['data_location'] = v4c.LOCATION_TEMPORARY_FILE data_address = self._tempfile.tell() gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = data_address for sample in samples: self._tempfile.write(sample.tostring())
[docs] def attach(self, data, file_name=None, comment=None, compression=True, mime=r'application/octet-stream'): """ attach embedded attachment as application/octet-stream Parameters ---------- data : bytes data to be attached file_name : str string file name comment : str attachment comment compression : bool use compression for embedded attachment data mime : str mime type string """ creator_index = len(self.file_history) fh = FileHistory() text = """<FHcomment> <TX>Added new embedded attachment from {}</TX> <tool_id>asammdf</tool_id> <tool_vendor>asammdf</tool_vendor> <tool_version>{}</tool_version> </FHcomment>""" text = text.format( file_name if file_name else 'bin.bin', __version__, ) fh_text = TextBlock(text=text, meta=True) self.file_history.append((fh, fh_text)) texts = {} texts['mime_addr'] = TextBlock(text=mime, meta=False) if comment: texts['comment_addr'] = TextBlock(text=comment, meta=False) text = file_name if file_name else 'bin.bin' texts['file_name_addr'] = TextBlock(text=text) at_block = AttachmentBlock(data=data, compression=compression) at_block['creator_index'] = creator_index self.attachments.append((at_block, texts))
[docs] def close(self): """ if the MDF was created with memory=False and new channels have been appended, then this must be called just before the object is not used anymore to clean-up the temporary file""" if self._tempfile is not None: self._tempfile.close() if self._file is not None: self._file.close()
[docs] def extract_attachment(self, index): """ extract attachment *index* data. If it is an embedded attachment, then this method creates the new file according to the attachment file name information Parameters ---------- index : int attachment index Returns ------- data : bytes | str attachment data """ try: current_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname( attachment, texts = self.attachments[index] flags = attachment['flags'] # for embedded attachments extrat data and create new files if flags & v4c.FLAG_AT_EMBEDDED: data = attachment.extract() file_path = ( texts['file_name_addr']['text'] .decode('utf-8') .strip(' \n\t\0') ) out_path = os.path.dirname(file_path) if out_path: if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.makedirs(out_path) with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) return data else: # for external attachments read the file and return the content if flags & v4c.FLAG_AT_MD5_VALID: file_path = ( texts['file_name_addr']['text'] .decode('utf-8') .strip(' \n\t\0') ) data = open(file_path, 'rb').read() md5_worker = md5() md5_worker.update(data) md5_sum = md5_worker.digest() if attachment['md5_sum'] == md5_sum: if (texts['mime_addr']['text'] .decode('utf-8') .startswith('text')): with open(file_path, 'r') as f: data = return data else: message = ( 'ATBLOCK md5sum="{}" ' 'and external attachment data ({}) ' 'md5sum="{}"' ) message = message.format( attachment['md5_sum'], file_path, md5_sum, ) warnings.warn(message) else: if (texts['mime_addr']['text'] .decode('utf-8') .startswith('text')): mode = 'r' else: mode = 'rb' with open(file_path, mode) as f: data = return data except Exception as err: os.chdir(current_path) message = 'Exception during attachment extraction: ' + repr(err) warnings.warn(message) return b''
[docs] def get_channel_unit(self, name=None, group=None, index=None): """Gets channel unit. Channel can be specified in two ways: * using the first positional argument *name* * if there are multiple occurrences for this channel then the *group* and *index* arguments can be used to select a specific group. * if there are multiple occurrences for this channel and either the *group* or *index* arguments is None then a warning is issued * using the group number (keyword argument *group*) and the channel number (keyword argument *index*). Use *info* method for group and channel numbers If the *raster* keyword argument is not *None* the output is interpolated accordingly. Parameters ---------- name : string name of channel group : int 0-based group index index : int 0-based channel index Returns ------- unit : str found channel unit """ gp_nr, ch_nr = self._validate_channel_selection( name, group, index, ) grp = self.groups[gp_nr] if grp['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE: stream = self._file else: stream = self._tempfile channel = grp['channels'][ch_nr] conversion = grp['channel_conversions'][ch_nr] if self.memory == 'minimum': channel = Channel( address=channel, stream=stream, ) if conversion: conversion = ChannelConversion( address=conversion, stream=stream, ) address = ( conversion and conversion['unit_addr'] or channel['unit_addr'] or 0 ) if address: unit = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) if PYVERSION == 3: unit = unit['text'].decode('utf-8').strip(' \n\t\0') else: unit = unit['text'].strip(' \n\t\0') else: unit = '' else: unit = ( conversion and conversion.unit or channel.unit or '' ) return unit
[docs] def get_channel_comment(self, name=None, group=None, index=None): """Gets channel comment. Channel can be specified in two ways: * using the first positional argument *name* * if there are multiple occurrences for this channel then the *group* and *index* arguments can be used to select a specific group. * if there are multiple occurrences for this channel and either the *group* or *index* arguments is None then a warning is issued * using the group number (keyword argument *group*) and the channel number (keyword argument *index*). Use *info* method for group and channel numbers If the *raster* keyword argument is not *None* the output is interpolated accordingly. Parameters ---------- name : string name of channel group : int 0-based group index index : int 0-based channel index Returns ------- comment : str found channel comment """ gp_nr, ch_nr = self._validate_channel_selection( name, group, index, ) grp = self.groups[gp_nr] if grp['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE: stream = self._file else: stream = self._tempfile channel = grp['channels'][ch_nr] if self.memory == 'minimum': channel = Channel( address=channel, stream=stream, ) address = channel['comment_addr'] if address: comment_block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) comment = ( comment_block['text'] .decode('utf-8') .strip(' \r\n\t\0') ) if comment_block['id'] == b'##MD': match = if match: comment ='text') else: comment = '' else: comment = '' else: comment = channel.comment if channel.comment_type == b'##MD': match = if match: comment ='text') else: comment = '' return comment
[docs] def get(self, name=None, group=None, index=None, raster=None, samples_only=False, data=None, raw=False): """Gets channel samples. Channel can be specified in two ways: * using the first positional argument *name* * if there are multiple occurances for this channel then the *group* and *index* arguments can be used to select a specific group. * if there are multiple occurances for this channel and either the *group* or *index* arguments is None then a warning is issued * using the group number (keyword argument *group*) and the channel number (keyword argument *index*). Use *info* method for group and channel numbers If the *raster* keyword argument is not *None* the output is interpolated accordingly Parameters ---------- name : string name of channel group : int 0-based group index index : int 0-based channel index raster : float time raster in seconds samples_only : bool if *True* return only the channel samples as numpy array; if *False* return a *Signal* object data : bytes prevent redundant data read by providing the raw data group samples raw : bool return channel samples without appling the conversion rule; default `False` Returns ------- res : (numpy.array | Signal) returns *Signal* if *samples_only*=*False* (default option), otherwise returns numpy.array The *Signal* samples are: * numpy recarray for channels that have composition/channel array address or for channel of type BYTEARRAY, CANOPENDATE, CANOPENTIME * numpy array for all the rest Raises ------ MdfException : * if the channel name is not found * if the group index is out of range * if the channel index is out of range Examples -------- >>> from asammdf import MDF, Signal >>> import numpy as np >>> t = np.arange(5) >>> s = np.ones(5) >>> mdf = MDF(version='4.10') >>> for i in range(4): ... sigs = [Signal(s*(i*10+j), t, name='Sig') for j in range(1, 4)] ... mdf.append(sigs) ... >>> # first group and channel index of the specified channel name ... >>> mdf.get('Sig') UserWarning: Multiple occurances for channel "Sig". Using first occurance from data group 4. Provide both "group" and "index" arguments to select another data group <Signal Sig: samples=[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] timestamps=[0 1 2 3 4] unit="" info=None comment=""> >>> # first channel index in the specified group ... >>> mdf.get('Sig', 1) <Signal Sig: samples=[ 11. 11. 11. 11. 11.] timestamps=[0 1 2 3 4] unit="" info=None comment=""> >>> # channel named Sig from group 1 channel index 2 ... >>> mdf.get('Sig', 1, 2) <Signal Sig: samples=[ 12. 12. 12. 12. 12.] timestamps=[0 1 2 3 4] unit="" info=None comment=""> >>> # channel index 1 or group 2 ... >>> mdf.get(None, 2, 1) <Signal Sig: samples=[ 21. 21. 21. 21. 21.] timestamps=[0 1 2 3 4] unit="" info=None comment=""> >>> mdf.get(group=2, index=1) <Signal Sig: samples=[ 21. 21. 21. 21. 21.] timestamps=[0 1 2 3 4] unit="" info=None comment=""> """ gp_nr, ch_nr = self._validate_channel_selection( name, group, index, ) memory = self.memory grp = self.groups[gp_nr] if grp['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE: stream = self._file else: stream = self._tempfile if memory == 'minimum': channel = Channel( address=grp['channels'][ch_nr], stream=stream, ) addr = grp['channel_conversions'][ch_nr] if addr: conversion = ChannelConversion( address=addr, stream=stream, ) else: conversion = None if name is None: name = TextBlock( address=channel['name_addr'], stream=stream, ) name = ( name['text'] .decode('utf-8') .strip(' \r\t\n\0') .split('\\')[0] ) = name else: channel = grp['channels'][ch_nr] conversion = grp['channel_conversions'][ch_nr] name = dependency_list = grp['channel_dependencies'][ch_nr] cycles_nr = grp['channel_group']['cycles_nr'] # get data group record try: parents, dtypes = grp['parents'], grp['types'] except KeyError: grp['parents'], grp['types'] = self._prepare_record(grp) parents, dtypes = grp['parents'], grp['types'] # get group data if data is None: data = self._load_group_data(grp) info = None # get the channel signal data if available signal_data = self._load_signal_data( channel['data_block_addr'] ) # check if this is a channel array if dependency_list: arrays = [] name = if all( not isinstance(dep, ChannelArrayBlock) for dep in dependency_list): # structure channel composition if memory == 'minimum': names = [] # TODO : get exactly he group and chanenl for address in dependency_list: channel = Channel( address=address, stream=stream, ) name_ = get_text_v4(channel['name_addr'], stream) names.append(name_) else: names = [ for ch in dependency_list] arrays = [ self.get(name_, samples_only=True, raw=raw) for name_ in names ] types = [ (name_, arr.dtype) for name_, arr in zip(names, arrays) ] if PYVERSION == 2: types = fix_dtype_fields(types) types = dtype(types) vals = fromarrays(arrays, dtype=types) cycles_nr = len(vals) else: # channel arrays arrays = [] types = [] try: parent, bit_offset = parents[ch_nr] except KeyError: parent, bit_offset = None, None if parent is not None: if 'record' not in grp: if dtypes.itemsize: record = fromstring(data, dtype=dtypes) else: record = None if self.memory == 'full': grp['record'] = record else: record = grp['record'] record.setflags(write=False) vals = record[parent] else: vals = self._get_not_byte_aligned_data(data, grp, ch_nr) dep = dependency_list[0] if dep['flags'] & v4c.FLAG_CA_INVERSE_LAYOUT: shape = vals.shape shape = (shape[0],) + shape[1:][::-1] vals = vals.reshape(shape) axes = (0,) + tuple(range(len(shape) - 1, 0, -1)) vals = transpose(vals, axes=axes) cycles_nr = len(vals) for ca_block in dependency_list[:1]: dims_nr = ca_block['dims'] if ca_block['ca_type'] == v4c.CA_TYPE_SCALE_AXIS: shape = (ca_block['dim_size_0'],) arrays.append(vals) dtype_pair =, vals.dtype, shape types.append(dtype_pair) elif ca_block['ca_type'] == v4c.CA_TYPE_LOOKUP: shape = vals.shape[1:] arrays.append(vals) dtype_pair =, vals.dtype, shape types.append(dtype_pair) if ca_block['flags'] & v4c.FLAG_CA_FIXED_AXIS: for i in range(dims_nr): shape = (ca_block['dim_size_{}'.format(i)],) axis = [] for j in range(shape[0]): key = 'axis_{}_value_{}'.format(i, j) axis.append(ca_block[key]) axis = array([axis for _ in range(cycles_nr)]) arrays.append(axis) dtype_pair = ( 'axis_{}'.format(i), axis.dtype, shape, ) types.append(dtype_pair) else: for i in range(dims_nr): ch_nr, dg_nr = ca_block.referenced_channels[i] if memory == 'minimum': channel = Channel( address=self.groups[dg_nr]['channels'][ch_nr], stream=stream, ) axisname = get_text_v4( channel['name_addr'], stream, ) else: axisname = ( self.groups[dg_nr] ['channels'] [ch_nr] .name ) shape = (ca_block['dim_size_{}'.format(i)],) axis_values = self.get( group=dg_nr, index=ch_nr, samples_only=True, ) axis_values = axis_values[axisname] arrays.append(axis_values) dtype_pair = ( axisname, axis_values.dtype, shape, ) types.append(dtype_pair) elif ca_block['ca_type'] == v4c.CA_TYPE_ARRAY: shape = vals.shape[1:] arrays.append(vals) dtype_pair =, vals.dtype, shape types.append(dtype_pair) for ca_block in dependency_list[1:]: dims_nr = ca_block['dims'] if ca_block['flags'] & v4c.FLAG_CA_FIXED_AXIS: for i in range(dims_nr): shape = (ca_block['dim_size_{}'.format(i)],) axis = [] for j in range(shape[0]): key = 'axis_{}_value_{}'.format(i, j) axis.append(ca_block[key]) axis = array([axis for _ in range(cycles_nr)]) arrays.append(axis) dtype_pair = 'axis_{}'.format(i), axis.dtype, shape types.append(dtype_pair) else: for i in range(dims_nr): ch_nr, dg_nr = ca_block.referenced_channels[i] if memory == 'minimum': channel = Channel( address=self.groups[dg_nr]['channels'][ch_nr], stream=stream, ) axisname = get_text_v4( channel['name_addr'], stream, ) else: axisname = ( self.groups[dg_nr] ['channels'] [ch_nr] .name ) shape = (ca_block['dim_size_{}'.format(i)],) axis_values = self.get( group=dg_nr, index=ch_nr, samples_only=True, ) axis_values = axis_values[axisname] arrays.append(axis_values) dtype_pair = axisname, axis_values.dtype, shape types.append(dtype_pair) if PYVERSION == 2: types = fix_dtype_fields(types) vals = fromarrays(arrays, dtype(types)) else: # get channel values if channel['channel_type'] in (v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VIRTUAL, v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VIRTUAL_MASTER): data_type = channel['data_type'] ch_dtype = dtype(get_fmt_v4(data_type, 8)) vals = arange(cycles_nr, dtype=ch_dtype) record = None else: try: parent, bit_offset = parents[ch_nr] except KeyError: parent, bit_offset = None, None if parent is not None: if 'record' not in grp: if dtypes.itemsize: record = fromstring(data, dtype=dtypes) else: record = None if memory == 'full': grp['record'] = record else: record = grp['record'] record.setflags(write=False) vals = record[parent] bits = channel['bit_count'] size = vals.dtype.itemsize data_type = channel['data_type'] if vals.dtype.kind not in 'ui' and (bit_offset or not bits == size * 8): vals = self._get_not_byte_aligned_data( data, grp, ch_nr, ) else: if bit_offset: dtype_ = vals.dtype if dtype_.kind == 'i': vals = vals.astype(dtype('<u{}'.format(size))) vals >>= bit_offset else: vals = vals >> bit_offset if not bits == size * 8: mask = (1 << bits) - 1 if vals.flags.writeable: vals &= mask else: vals = vals & mask if data_type in v4c.SIGNED_INT: vals = as_non_byte_sized_signed_int(vals, bits) else: vals = self._get_not_byte_aligned_data(data, grp, ch_nr) if cycles_nr: if conversion is None: conversion_type = v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_NON else: conversion_type = conversion['conversion_type'] if raw: pass elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_NON: # check if it is VLDS channel type with SDBLOCK data_type = channel['data_type'] channel_type = channel['channel_type'] if channel_type in (v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE, v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_MLSD): if v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_LATIN_1 \ <= data_type \ <= v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_16_BE: vals = [val.tobytes() for val in vals] if data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_16_BE: encoding = 'utf-16-be' elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_16_LE: encoding = 'utf-16-le' elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_8: encoding = 'utf-8' elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_LATIN_1: encoding = 'latin-1' vals = array( [x.decode(encoding).strip('\0') for x in vals] ) vals = encode(vals, 'latin-1') # CANopen date elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_CANOPEN_DATE: vals = vals.tostring() types = dtype( [('ms', '<u2'), ('min', '<u1'), ('hour', '<u1'), ('day', '<u1'), ('month', '<u1'), ('year', '<u1')] ) dates = fromstring(vals, types) arrays = [] arrays.append(dates['ms']) # bit 6 and 7 of minutes are reserved arrays.append(dates['min'] & 0x3F) # only firt 4 bits of hour are used arrays.append(dates['hour'] & 0xF) # the first 4 bits are the day number arrays.append(dates['day'] & 0xF) # bit 6 and 7 of month are reserved arrays.append(dates['month'] & 0x3F) # bit 7 of year is reserved arrays.append(dates['year'] & 0x7F) # add summer or standard time information for hour arrays.append((dates['hour'] & 0x80) >> 7) # add day of week information arrays.append((dates['day'] & 0xF0) >> 4) names = [ 'ms', 'min', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'summer_time', 'day_of_week', ] vals = fromarrays(arrays, names=names) # CANopen time elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_CANOPEN_TIME: vals = vals.tostring() types = dtype( [('ms', '<u4'), ('days', '<u2')] ) dates = fromstring(vals, types) arrays = [] # bits 28 to 31 are reserverd for ms arrays.append(dates['ms'] & 0xFFFFFFF) arrays.append(dates['days'] & 0x3F) names = ['ms', 'days'] vals = fromarrays(arrays, names=names) # byte array elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_BYTEARRAY: vals = vals.tostring() size = max(bits >> 3, 1) vals = frombuffer( vals, dtype=dtype('({},)u1'.format(size)), ) types = [(, vals.dtype, vals.shape[1:])] if PYVERSION == 2: types = fix_dtype_fields(types) types = dtype(types) arrays = [vals, ] vals = fromarrays(arrays, dtype=types) elif channel_type == v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VLSD: if signal_data: values = [] for offset in vals: offset = int(offset) str_size = unpack_from('<I', signal_data, offset)[0] values.append( signal_data[offset + 4: offset + 4 + str_size] ) if data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_16_BE: vals = [v.decode('utf-16-be') for v in values] elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_16_LE: vals = [v.decode('utf-16-le') for v in values] elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_UTF_8: vals = [v.decode('utf-8') for v in values] elif data_type == v4c.DATA_TYPE_STRING_LATIN_1: vals = [v.decode('latin-1') for v in values] if PYVERSION == 2: vals = array([str(val) for val in vals]) else: vals = array(vals) vals = encode(vals, 'latin-1') else: # no VLSD signal data samples vals = array([]) elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_LIN: a = conversion['a'] b = conversion['b'] if (a, b) != (1, 0): vals = vals * a if b: vals += b elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_RAT: P1 = conversion['P1'] P2 = conversion['P2'] P3 = conversion['P3'] P4 = conversion['P4'] P5 = conversion['P5'] P6 = conversion['P6'] if (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) != (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1): X = vals vals = evaluate(v4c.CONV_RAT_TEXT) elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_ALG: if not memory == 'minimum': formula = conversion.formula else: block = TextBlock( address=conversion['formula_addr'], stream=stream, ) formula = ( block['text'] .decode('utf-8') .strip(' \n\t\0') ) X = vals vals = evaluate(formula) elif conversion_type in (v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TABI, v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TAB): nr = conversion['val_param_nr'] // 2 raw_vals = array( [conversion['raw_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) phys = array( [conversion['phys_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) if conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TABI: vals = interp(vals, raw_vals, phys) else: idx = searchsorted(raw_vals, vals) idx = clip(idx, 0, len(raw_vals) - 1) vals = phys[idx] elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_RTAB: nr = (conversion['val_param_nr'] - 1) // 3 lower = array( [conversion['lower_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) upper = array( [conversion['upper_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) phys = array( [conversion['phys_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) default = conversion['default'] # INT channel if channel['data_type'] <= 3: res = [] for v in vals: for l, u, p in zip(lower, upper, phys): if l <= v <= u: res.append(p) break else: res.append(default) size = max(bits >> 3, 1) ch_fmt = get_fmt_v4(channel['data_type'], size) vals = array(res).astype(ch_fmt) # else FLOAT channel else: res = [] for v in vals: for l, u, p in zip(lower, upper, phys): if l <= v < u: res.append(p) break else: res.append(default) size = max(bits >> 3, 1) ch_fmt = get_fmt_v4(channel['data_type'], size) vals = array(res).astype(ch_fmt) elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TABX: nr = conversion['val_param_nr'] raw_vals = array( [conversion['val_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) if not memory == 'minimum': phys = array( [grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['text_{}'.format(i)]['text'] for i in range(nr)] ) default = grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr] \ .get('default_addr', {}) \ .get('text', b'') else: phys = [] for i in range(nr): address = ( grp['texts'] ['conversion_tab'] [ch_nr] ['text_{}'.format(i)] ) if address: block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) phys.append(block['text']) else: phys.append(b'') phys = array(phys) if grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr].get( 'default_addr', 0): block = TextBlock( address=grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['default_addr'], stream=stream, ) default = block['text'] else: default = b'' info = { 'raw': raw_vals, 'phys': phys, 'default': default, } elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_RTABX: nr = conversion['val_param_nr'] // 2 if not memory == 'minimum': phys = array( [grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['text_{}'.format(i)]['text'] for i in range(nr)] ) default = grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr] \ .get('default_addr', {}) \ .get('text', b'') else: phys = [] for i in range(nr): address = grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['text_{}'.format(i)] if address: block = TextBlock( address=address, stream=stream, ) phys.append(block['text']) else: phys.append(b'') phys = array(phys) if grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr].get( 'default_addr', 0): block = TextBlock( address=grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['default_addr'], stream=stream, ) default = block['text'] else: default = b'' lower = array( [conversion['lower_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) upper = array( [conversion['upper_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) info = { 'lower': lower, 'upper': upper, 'phys': phys, 'default': default, } elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TTAB: nr = conversion['val_param_nr'] - 1 if memory == 'minimum': raw_vals = [] for i in range(nr): block = TextBlock( address=grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['text_{}'.format(i)], stream=stream, ) raw_vals.append(block['text']) raw_vals = array(raw_vals) else: raw_vals = array( [grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['text_{}'.format(i)]['text'] for i in range(nr)] ) phys = array( [conversion['val_{}'.format(i)] for i in range(nr)] ) default = conversion['val_default'] info = { 'raw': raw_vals, 'phys': phys, 'default': default, } elif conversion_type == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TRANS: nr = (conversion['ref_param_nr'] - 1) // 2 if memory == 'minimum': in_ = [] for i in range(nr): block = TextBlock( address=grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['input_{}_addr'.format(i)], stream=stream, ) in_.append(block['text']) in_ = array(in_) out_ = [] for i in range(nr): block = TextBlock( address=grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['output_{}_addr'.format(i)], stream=stream, ) out_.append(block['text']) out_ = array(out_) block = TextBlock( address=grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['default_addr'], stream=stream, ) default = block['text'] else: in_ = array( [grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['input_{}_addr'.format(i)]['text'] for i in range(nr)] ) out_ = array( [grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['output_{}_addr'.format(i)]['text'] for i in range(nr)] ) default = grp['texts']['conversion_tab'][ch_nr]['default_addr']['text'] res = [] for v in vals: for i, o in zip(in_, out_): if v == i: res.append(o) break else: res.append(default) vals = array(res) info = { 'input': in_, 'output': out_, 'default': default, } # in case of invalidation bits, valid_index will hold the valid indexes valid_index = None if grp['channel_group']['invalidation_bytes_nr']: if channel['flags'] & ( v4c.FLAG_INVALIDATION_BIT_VALID | v4c.FLAG_ALL_SAMPLES_VALID) == v4c.FLAG_INVALIDATION_BIT_VALID: ch_invalidation_pos = channel['pos_invalidation_bit'] pos_byte, pos_offset = divmod(ch_invalidation_pos, 8) mask = 1 << pos_offset if record is None: record = fromstring(data, dtype=dtypes) record.setflags(write=False) inval_bytes = record['invalidation_bytes'] inval_index = array( [bytes_[pos_byte] & mask for bytes_ in inval_bytes] ) valid_index = argwhere(inval_index == 0).flatten() vals = vals[valid_index] if samples_only: res = vals else: # search for unit in conversion texts if memory == 'minimum': address = ( conversion and conversion['unit_addr'] or channel['unit_addr'] or 0 ) if address: unit = get_text_v4( address=address, stream=stream, ) else: unit = '' address = channel['comment_addr'] if address: comment = get_text_v4( address=address, stream=stream, ) if channel.comment_type == b'##MD': match = if match: comment ='text') else: comment = '' else: comment = '' else: unit = ( conversion and conversion.unit or channel.unit or '' ) comment = channel.comment if channel.comment_type == b'##MD': match = if match: comment ='text') t = self.get_master(gp_nr, data) # consider invalidation bits if valid_index is not None: t = t[valid_index] res = Signal( samples=vals, timestamps=t, unit=unit, name=name, comment=comment, info=info, ) if raster and t: tx = linspace(0, t[-1], int(t[-1] / raster)) res = res.interp(tx) return res
[docs] def get_master(self, index, data=None): """ returns master channel samples for given group Parameters ---------- index : int group index data : bytes data block raw bytes; default None Returns ------- t : numpy.array master channel samples """ try: return self._master_channel_cache[index] except KeyError: pass group = self.groups[index] if group['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE: stream = self._file else: stream = self._tempfile memory = self.memory time_ch_nr = self.masters_db.get(index, None) cycles_nr = group['channel_group']['cycles_nr'] if time_ch_nr is None: t = arange(cycles_nr, dtype=float64) else: time_conv = group['channel_conversions'][time_ch_nr] if memory == 'minimum': if time_conv: time_conv = ChannelConversion( address=group['channel_conversions'][time_ch_nr], stream=stream, ) else: time_conv = None time_ch = Channel( address=group['channels'][time_ch_nr], stream=stream, ) else: time_ch = group['channels'][time_ch_nr] if time_ch['channel_type'] == v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_VIRTUAL_MASTER: time_a = time_conv['a'] time_b = time_conv['b'] t = arange(cycles_nr, dtype=float64) * time_a + time_b else: # get data group parents and dtypes try: parents, dtypes = group['parents'], group['types'] except KeyError: parents, dtypes = self._prepare_record(group) group['parents'], group['types'] = parents, dtypes # get data if data is None: data = self._load_group_data(group) try: parent, _ = parents[time_ch_nr] except KeyError: parent = None if parent is not None: not_found = object() record = group.get('record', not_found) if record is not_found: if dtypes.itemsize: record = fromstring(data, dtype=dtypes) else: record = None if memory == 'full': group['record'] = record record.setflags(write=False) t = record[parent] else: t = self._get_not_byte_aligned_data( data, group, time_ch_nr, ) # get timestamps if time_conv: if time_conv['conversion_type'] == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_LIN: time_a = time_conv['a'] time_b = time_conv['b'] t = t * time_a if time_b: t += time_b self._master_channel_cache[index] = t return t
[docs] def info(self): """get MDF information as a dict Examples -------- >>> mdf = MDF4('test.mdf') >>> """ info = {} info['version'] = self.identification['version_str'] \ .decode('utf-8') \ .strip(' \n\t\0') info['groups'] = len(self.groups) for i, gp in enumerate(self.groups): if gp['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE: stream = self._file elif gp['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_TEMPORARY_FILE: stream = self._tempfile inf = {} info['group {}'.format(i)] = inf inf['cycles'] = gp['channel_group']['cycles_nr'] inf['channels count'] = len(gp['channels']) for j, channel in enumerate(gp['channels']): if self.memory == 'minimum': channel = Channel( address=channel, stream=stream, ) name = TextBlock( address=channel['name_addr'], stream=stream, ) name = ( name['text'] .decode('utf-8') .strip(' \r\t\n\0') .split('\\')[0] ) else: name = ch_type = v4c.CHANNEL_TYPE_TO_DESCRIPTION[channel['channel_type']] inf['channel {}'.format(j)] = 'name="{}" type={}'.format( name, ch_type, ) return info
[docs] def save(self, dst='', overwrite=None, compression=0): """Save MDF to *dst*. If *dst* is not provided the the destination file name is the MDF name. If overwrite is *True* then the destination file is overwritten, otherwise the file name is appened with '_<cntr>', were '<cntr>' is the first conter that produces a new file name (that does not already exist in the filesystem) Parameters ---------- dst : str destination file name, Default '' overwrite : bool overwrite flag, default *False* compression : int use compressed data blocks, default 0; valid since version 4.10 * 0 - no compression * 1 - deflate (slower, but produces smaller files) * 2 - transposition + deflate (slowest, but produces the smallest files) Returns ------- output_file : str output file name """ if overwrite is None: overwrite = self._overwrite output_file = '' if is None and dst == '': message = ( 'Must specify a destination file name ' 'for MDF created from scratch' ) raise MdfException(message) else: if self.memory == 'minimum': output_file = self._save_without_metadata( dst, overwrite, compression, ) else: output_file = self._save_with_metadata( dst, overwrite, compression, ) return output_file
def _save_with_metadata(self, dst, overwrite, compression): """Save MDF to *dst*. If *dst* is not provided the the destination file name is the MDF name. If overwrite is *True* then the destination file is overwritten, otherwise the file name is appened with '_<cntr>', were '<cntr>' is the first conter that produces a new file name (that does not already exist in the filesystem) Parameters ---------- dst : str destination file name, Default '' overwrite : bool overwrite flag, default *False* compression : int use compressed data blocks, default 0; valid since version 4.10 * 0 - no compression * 1 - deflate (slower, but produces smaller files) * 2 - transposition + deflate (slowest, but produces the smallest files) """ if is None and dst == '': message = ('Must specify a destination file name ' 'for MDF created from scratch') raise MdfException(message) dst = dst if dst else if not dst.endswith(('mf4', 'MF4')): dst = dst + '.mf4' if overwrite is False: if os.path.isfile(dst): cntr = 0 while True: name = os.path.splitext(dst)[0] + '_{}.mf4'.format(cntr) if not os.path.isfile(name): break else: cntr += 1 message = ( 'Destination file "{}" already exists ' 'and "overwrite" is False. Saving MDF file as "{}"' ) message = message.format(dst, name) warnings.warn(message) dst = name if not self.file_history: comment = 'created' else: comment = 'updated' text = """<FHcomment> <TX>{}</TX> <tool_id>asammdf</tool_id> <tool_vendor>asammdf</tool_vendor> <tool_version>{}</tool_version> </FHcomment>""" text = text.format(comment, __version__) self.file_history.append( [FileHistory(), TextBlock(text=text, meta=True)] ) if self.memory == 'low' and dst == destination = dst + '.temp' else: destination = dst with open(destination, 'wb+') as dst_: defined_texts = {} write = dst_.write tell = dst_.tell seek = write(bytes(self.identification)) write(bytes(self.header)) original_data_addresses = [] if compression == 1: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_DEFLATE else: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_TRANPOSED_DEFLATE # write DataBlocks first for gp in self.groups: original_data_addresses.append( gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] ) address = tell() data = self._load_group_data(gp) if MDF4._split_data_blocks: samples_size = gp['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] split_size = MDF4._split_threshold // samples_size split_size *= samples_size if split_size == 0: chunks = 1 else: chunks = len(data) / split_size chunks = int(ceil(chunks)) else: chunks = 1 if chunks == 1: if compression and self.version != '4.00': if compression == 1: param = 0 else: param = gp['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] kargs = { 'data': data, 'zip_type': zip_type, 'param': param, } data_block = DataZippedBlock(**kargs) else: data_block = DataBlock(data=data) write(bytes(data_block)) align = data_block['block_len'] % 8 if align: write(b'\0' * (8 - align)) if gp['channel_group']['cycles_nr']: gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = address else: gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = 0 else: kargs = { 'flags': v4c.FLAG_DL_EQUAL_LENGHT, 'zip_type': zip_type, } hl_block = HeaderList(**kargs) kargs = { 'flags': v4c.FLAG_DL_EQUAL_LENGHT, 'links_nr': chunks + 1, 'data_block_nr': chunks, 'data_block_len': split_size, } dl_block = DataList(**kargs) data_blocks = [] for i in range(chunks): data_ = data[i * split_size: (i + 1) * split_size] if compression and self.version != '4.00': if compression == 1: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_DEFLATE else: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_TRANPOSED_DEFLATE if compression == 1: param = 0 else: param = gp['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] kargs = { 'data': data_, 'zip_type': zip_type, 'param': param, } block = DataZippedBlock(**kargs) else: block = DataBlock(data=data_) address = tell() block.address = address data_blocks.append(block) write(bytes(block)) align = block['block_len'] % 8 if align: write(b'\0' * (8 - align)) dl_block['data_block_addr{}'.format(i)] = address address = tell() dl_block.address = address write(bytes(dl_block)) if compression and self.version != '4.00': hl_block['first_dl_addr'] = address address = tell() hl_block.address = address write(bytes(hl_block)) gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = address address = tell() blocks = [] if self.file_comment: self.file_comment.address = address address += self.file_comment['block_len'] blocks.append(self.file_comment) # attachemnts if self.attachments: for at_block, texts in self.attachments: for key, text in texts.items(): at_block[key] = text.address = address address += text['block_len'] blocks.append(text) for at_block, texts in self.attachments: at_block.address = address blocks.append(at_block) align = at_block['block_len'] % 8 # append 8vyte alignemnt bytes for attachments if align % 8: blocks.append(b'\0' * (8 - align)) address += at_block['block_len'] + 8 - align else: address += at_block['block_len'] for i, (at_block, text) in enumerate(self.attachments[:-1]): at_block['next_at_addr'] = self.attachments[i + 1][0].address self.attachments[-1][0]['next_at_addr'] = 0 # file history blocks for i, (fh, fh_text) in enumerate(self.file_history): fh_text.address = address blocks.append(fh_text) address += fh_text['block_len'] fh['comment_addr'] = fh_text.address for i, (fh, fh_text) in enumerate(self.file_history): fh.address = address address += fh['block_len'] blocks.append(fh) for i, (fh, fh_text) in enumerate(self.file_history[:-1]): fh['next_fh_addr'] = self.file_history[i + 1][0].address self.file_history[-1][0]['next_fh_addr'] = 0 # data groups gp_rec_ids = [] for gp in self.groups: gp_rec_ids.append(gp['data_group']['record_id_len']) gp['data_group']['record_id_len'] = 0 gp['data_group'].address = address address += gp['data_group']['block_len'] blocks.append(gp['data_group']) gp['data_group']['comment_addr'] = 0 for i, dg in enumerate(self.groups[:-1]): addr_ = self.groups[i + 1]['data_group'].address dg['data_group']['next_dg_addr'] = addr_ self.groups[-1]['data_group']['next_dg_addr'] = 0 tab_conversion = ( v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TABX, v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_RTABX, v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TTAB, v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TRANS, ) si_map = {} # go through each data group and append the rest of the blocks for i, gp in enumerate(self.groups): # write TXBLOCK's for item_list in gp['texts'].values(): for dict_ in item_list: if dict_ is None: continue for key, tx_block in dict_.items(): # text blocks can be shared text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: tx_block.address = defined_texts[text] else: defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) for channel in gp['channels']: if tx_block = TextBlock( text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: channel['name_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: channel['name_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: channel['name_addr'] = 0 if channel.unit: tx_block = TextBlock(text=channel.unit) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: channel['unit_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: channel['unit_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: channel['unit_addr'] = 0 if channel.comment: meta = channel.comment_type == b'##MD' tx_block = TextBlock(text=channel.comment, meta=meta) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: channel['comment_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: channel['comment_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: channel['comment_addr'] = 0 for source in gp['channel_sources']: if source: if tx_block = TextBlock( text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: source['name_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: source['name_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: source['name_addr'] = 0 if source.path: tx_block = TextBlock(text=source.path) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: source['path_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: source['path_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: source['path_addr'] = 0 if source.comment: tx_block = TextBlock(text=source.comment) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: source['comment_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: source['comment_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: source['comment_addr'] = 0 for conversion in gp['channel_conversions']: if conversion: if tx_block = TextBlock( text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['name_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: conversion['name_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: conversion['name_addr'] = 0 if conversion.unit: tx_block = TextBlock(text=conversion.unit) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['unit_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: conversion['unit_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: conversion['unit_addr'] = 0 if conversion.comment: tx_block = TextBlock(text=conversion.comment) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['comment_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: conversion['comment_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: conversion['comment_addr'] = 0 if conversion['conversion_type'] == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_ALG and conversion.formula: tx_block = TextBlock(text=conversion.formula) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['formula_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: conversion['formula_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) # channel conversions for j, conv in enumerate(gp['channel_conversions']): if conv: conv.address = address conv['inv_conv_addr'] = 0 if conv['conversion_type'] in tab_conversion: for key in gp['texts']['conversion_tab'][j]: conv[key] = ( gp['texts'] ['conversion_tab'] [j] [key] .address ) address += conv['block_len'] blocks.append(conv) # channel sources for j, source in enumerate(gp['channel_sources']): if source: source_id = id(source) if source_id not in si_map: source.address = address address += source['block_len'] blocks.append(source) si_map[source_id] = 0 # channel data gp_sd = gp['signal_data'] = [] for j, ch in enumerate(gp['channels']): signal_data = self._load_signal_data(ch['data_block_addr']) if signal_data: signal_data = SignalDataBlock(data=signal_data) signal_data.address = address address += signal_data['block_len'] blocks.append(signal_data) align = signal_data['block_len'] % 8 if align % 8: blocks.append(b'\0' * (8 - align)) address += 8 - align gp_sd.append(signal_data) else: gp_sd.append(None) # channel dependecies for j, dep_list in enumerate(gp['channel_dependencies']): if dep_list: if all(isinstance(dep, ChannelArrayBlock) for dep in dep_list): for dep in dep_list: dep.address = address address += dep['block_len'] blocks.append(dep) for k, dep in enumerate(dep_list[:-1]): dep['composition_addr'] = dep_list[k + 1].address dep_list[-1]['composition_addr'] = 0 # channels for j, (channel, signal_data) in enumerate( zip(gp['channels'], gp['signal_data'])): channel.address = address address += channel['block_len'] blocks.append(channel) if not gp['channel_conversions'][j]: channel['conversion_addr'] = 0 else: addr_ = gp['channel_conversions'][j].address channel['conversion_addr'] = addr_ if gp['channel_sources'][j]: addr_ = gp['channel_sources'][j].address channel['source_addr'] = addr_ else: channel['source_addr'] = 0 if signal_data: channel['data_block_addr'] = signal_data.address else: channel['data_block_addr'] = 0 if gp['channel_dependencies'][j]: addr_ = gp['channel_dependencies'][j][0].address channel['component_addr'] = addr_ group_channels = gp['channels'] if group_channels: for j, channel in enumerate(group_channels[:-1]): channel['next_ch_addr'] = group_channels[j + 1].address group_channels[-1]['next_ch_addr'] = 0 # channel dependecies j = 0 while j < len(gp['channels']): dep_list = gp['channel_dependencies'][j] if dep_list and all( isinstance(dep, Channel) for dep in dep_list): gp['channels'][j]['component_addr'] = dep_list[0].address gp['channels'][j]['next_ch_addr'] = dep_list[-1]['next_ch_addr'] dep_list[-1]['next_ch_addr'] = 0 j += len(dep_list) for dep in dep_list: dep['source_addr'] = 0 else: j += 1 # channel group gp['channel_group'].address = address gp['channel_group']['first_ch_addr'] = gp['channels'][0].address gp['channel_group']['next_cg_addr'] = 0 cg_texts = gp['texts']['channel_group'][0] for key in ('acq_name_addr', 'comment_addr'): if cg_texts and key in cg_texts: addr_ = gp['texts']['channel_group'][0][key].address gp['channel_group'][key] = addr_ gp['channel_group']['acq_source_addr'] = 0 gp['data_group']['first_cg_addr'] = address address += gp['channel_group']['block_len'] blocks.append(gp['channel_group']) for gp in self.groups: for dep_list in gp['channel_dependencies']: if dep_list: if all(isinstance(dep, ChannelArrayBlock) for dep in dep_list): for dep in dep_list: for i, (ch_nr, gp_nr) in enumerate(dep.referenced_channels): grp = self.groups[gp_nr] ch = grp['channels'][ch_nr] dep['scale_axis_{}_dg_addr'.format(i)] = grp['data_group'].address dep['scale_axis_{}_cg_addr'.format(i)] = grp['channel_group'].address dep['scale_axis_{}_ch_addr'.format(i)] = ch.address for block in blocks: write(bytes(block)) for gp, rec_id in zip(self.groups, gp_rec_ids): gp['data_group']['record_id_len'] = rec_id if self.groups: addr_ = self.groups[0]['data_group'].address self.header['first_dg_addr'] = addr_ else: self.header['first_dg_addr'] = 0 self.header['file_history_addr'] = self.file_history[0][0].address if self.attachments: addr_ = self.attachments[0][0].address self.header['first_attachment_addr'] = addr_ else: self.header['first_attachment_addr'] = 0 if self.file_comment: self.header['comment_addr'] = self.file_comment.address else: self.header['comment_addr'] = 0 seek(v4c.IDENTIFICATION_BLOCK_SIZE, v4c.SEEK_START) write(bytes(self.header)) for orig_addr, gp in zip(original_data_addresses, self.groups): gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = orig_addr if self.memory == 'low' and dst == self.close() os.remove( os.rename(destination, self.groups = [] self.header = None self.identification = None self.file_history = [] self.channels_db = {} self.masters_db = {} self.attachments = [] self.file_comment = None self._ch_map = {} self._master_channel_cache = {} self._tempfile = TemporaryFile() self._file = open(, 'rb') self._read() return dst def _save_without_metadata(self, dst, overwrite, compression): """Save MDF to *dst*. If *dst* is not provided the the destination file name is the MDF name. If overwrite is *True* then the destination file is overwritten, otherwise the file name is appened with '_<cntr>', were '<cntr>' is the first conter that produces a new file name (that does not already exist in the filesystem) Parameters ---------- dst : str destination file name, Default '' overwrite : bool overwrite flag, default *False* compression : int use compressed data blocks, default 0; valid since version 4.10 * 0 - no compression * 1 - deflate (slower, but produces smaller files) * 2 - transposition + deflate (slowest, but produces the smallest files) """ if is None and dst == '': message = ( 'Must specify a destination file name ' 'for MDF created from scratch' ) raise MdfException(message) dst = dst if dst else if not dst.endswith(('mf4', 'MF4')): dst = dst + '.mf4' if overwrite is False: if os.path.isfile(dst): cntr = 0 while True: name = os.path.splitext(dst)[0] + '_{}.mf4'.format(cntr) if not os.path.isfile(name): break else: cntr += 1 message = ( 'Destination file "{}" already exists ' 'and "overwrite" is False. Saving MDF file as "{}"' ) message = message.format(dst, name) warnings.warn(message) dst = name if not self.file_history: comment = 'created' else: comment = 'updated' text = """<FHcomment> <TX>{}</TX> <tool_id>asammdf</tool_id> <tool_vendor>asammdf</tool_vendor> <tool_version>{}</tool_version> </FHcomment>""" text = text.format(comment, __version__) self.file_history.append( [FileHistory(), TextBlock(text=text, meta=True)] ) if dst == destination = dst + '.temp' else: destination = dst with open(destination, 'wb+') as dst_: defined_texts = {} write = dst_.write tell = dst_.tell seek = write(bytes(self.identification)) write(bytes(self.header)) original_data_addresses = [] if compression == 1: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_DEFLATE else: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_TRANPOSED_DEFLATE # write DataBlocks first for gp in self.groups: original_data_addresses.append( gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] ) address = tell() data = self._load_group_data(gp) if MDF4._split_data_blocks: samples_size = gp['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] split_size = MDF4._split_threshold // samples_size split_size *= samples_size if split_size == 0: chunks = 1 else: chunks = len(data) / split_size chunks = int(ceil(chunks)) else: chunks = 1 if chunks == 1: if compression and self.version != '4.00': if compression == 1: param = 0 else: param = gp['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] kargs = { 'data': data, 'zip_type': zip_type, 'param': param, } data_block = DataZippedBlock(**kargs) else: data_block = DataBlock(data=data) write(bytes(data_block)) align = data_block['block_len'] % 8 if align: write(b'\0' * (8 - align)) if gp['channel_group']['cycles_nr']: gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = address else: gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = 0 else: kargs = { 'flags': v4c.FLAG_DL_EQUAL_LENGHT, 'zip_type': zip_type, } hl_block = HeaderList(**kargs) kargs = { 'flags': v4c.FLAG_DL_EQUAL_LENGHT, 'links_nr': chunks + 1, 'data_block_nr': chunks, 'data_block_len': split_size, } dl_block = DataList(**kargs) data_blocks = [] for i in range(chunks): data_ = data[i * split_size: (i + 1) * split_size] if compression and self.version != '4.00': if compression == 1: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_DEFLATE else: zip_type = v4c.FLAG_DZ_TRANPOSED_DEFLATE if compression == 1: param = 0 else: param = gp['channel_group']['samples_byte_nr'] kargs = { 'data': data_, 'zip_type': zip_type, 'param': param, } block = DataZippedBlock(**kargs) else: block = DataBlock(data=data_) address = tell() block.address = address data_blocks.append(block) write(bytes(block)) align = block['block_len'] % 8 if align: write(b'\0' * (8 - align)) dl_block['data_block_addr{}'.format(i)] = address address = tell() dl_block.address = address write(bytes(dl_block)) if compression and self.version != '4.00': hl_block['first_dl_addr'] = address address = tell() hl_block.address = address write(bytes(hl_block)) gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = address address = tell() if self.file_comment: address = tell() self.file_comment.address = address write(bytes(self.file_comment)) # attachemnts address = tell() blocks = [] if self.attachments: for at_block, texts in self.attachments: for key, text in texts.items(): at_block[key] = text.address = address address += text['block_len'] blocks.append(text) for at_block, texts in self.attachments: at_block.address = address blocks.append(at_block) align = at_block['block_len'] % 8 # append 8vyte alignemnt bytes for attachments if align % 8: blocks.append(b'\0' * (8 - align)) address += at_block['block_len'] + 8 - align else: address += at_block['block_len'] for i, (at_block, text) in enumerate(self.attachments[:-1]): at_block['next_at_addr'] = self.attachments[i + 1][0].address self.attachments[-1][0]['next_at_addr'] = 0 # file history blocks for i, (fh, fh_text) in enumerate(self.file_history): fh_text.address = address blocks.append(fh_text) address += fh_text['block_len'] fh['comment_addr'] = fh_text.address for i, (fh, fh_text) in enumerate(self.file_history): fh.address = address address += fh['block_len'] blocks.append(fh) for i, (fh, fh_text) in enumerate(self.file_history[:-1]): fh['next_fh_addr'] = self.file_history[i + 1][0].address self.file_history[-1][0]['next_fh_addr'] = 0 for blk in blocks: write(bytes(blk)) blocks = [] tab_conversion = ( v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TABX, v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_RTABX, v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TTAB, v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_TRANS, ) si_map = {} # go through each data group and append the rest of the blocks for i, gp in enumerate(self.groups): gp['temp_channels'] = ch_addrs = [] gp['temp_channel_conversions'] = cc_addrs = [] gp['temp_channel_sources'] = si_addrs = [] if gp['data_location'] == v4c.LOCATION_ORIGINAL_FILE: stream = self._file else: stream = self._tempfile temp_texts = deepcopy(gp['texts']) # write TXBLOCK's for item_list in temp_texts.values(): for dict_ in item_list: if not dict_: continue for key, tx_block in dict_.items(): # text blocks can be shared block = TextBlock( address=tx_block, stream=stream, ) text = block['text'] if text in defined_texts: dict_[key] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() defined_texts[text] = address dict_[key] = address write(bytes(block)) for source in gp['channel_sources']: if source:, v4c.SEEK_START) raw_bytes = if raw_bytes in si_map: si_addrs.append(si_map[raw_bytes]) else: source = SourceInformation( raw_bytes=raw_bytes, ) if source['name_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=source['name_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: source['name_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() source['name_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address write(bytes(tx_block)) else: source['name_addr'] = 0 if source.path: tx_block = TextBlock( address=source['path_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: source['path_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() source['path_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address write(bytes(tx_block)) else: source['path_addr'] = 0 if source['comment_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=source['comment_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: source['comment_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() source['comment_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address write(bytes(tx_block)) else: source['comment_addr'] = 0 address = tell() si_addrs.append(address) si_map[raw_bytes] = address write(bytes(source)) else: si_addrs.append(0) for j, conversion in enumerate(gp['channel_conversions']): if conversion: conversion = ChannelConversion( address=conversion, stream=stream, ) if conversion['name_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=conversion['name_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['name_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() conversion['name_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address write(bytes(tx_block)) else: conversion['name_addr'] = 0 if conversion['unit_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=conversion['unit_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['unit_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() conversion['unit_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address write(bytes(tx_block)) else: conversion['unit_addr'] = 0 if conversion['comment_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=conversion['comment_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['comment_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() conversion['comment_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address write(bytes(tx_block)) else: conversion['comment_addr'] = 0 if conversion['conversion_type'] == v4c.CONVERSION_TYPE_ALG and conversion['formula_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=conversion['formula_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: conversion['formula_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: address = tell() conversion['formula_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address write(bytes(tx_block)) elif conversion['conversion_type'] in tab_conversion: for key in temp_texts['conversion_tab'][j]: conversion[key] = temp_texts['conversion_tab'][j][key] conversion['inv_conv_addr'] = 0 address = tell() cc_addrs.append(address) write(bytes(conversion)) else: cc_addrs.append(0) # channel dependecies temp_deps = [] for j, dep_list in enumerate(gp['channel_dependencies']): if dep_list: if all(isinstance(dep, ChannelArrayBlock) for dep in dep_list): temp_deps.append([]) for dep in dep_list: address = tell() dep.address = address temp_deps[-1].append(address) write(bytes(dep)) for k, dep in enumerate(dep_list[:-1]): dep['composition_addr'] = dep_list[k + 1].address dep_list[-1]['composition_addr'] = 0 else: temp_deps.append([]) for _ in dep_list: temp_deps[-1].append(0) else: temp_deps.append(0) # channels blocks = [] chans = [] address = blocks_start_addr = tell() gp['channel_group']['first_ch_addr'] = address for j, channel in enumerate(gp['channels']): channel = Channel( address=channel, stream=stream, ) channel.address = address ch_addrs.append(address) chans.append(channel) blocks.append(channel) address += channel['block_len'] if channel['name_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=channel['name_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: channel['name_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: channel['name_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: channel['name_addr'] = 0 if channel['unit_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=channel['unit_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: channel['unit_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: channel['unit_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: channel['unit_addr'] = 0 if channel['comment_addr']: tx_block = TextBlock( address=channel['comment_addr'], stream=stream, ) text = tx_block['text'] if text in defined_texts: channel['comment_addr'] = defined_texts[text] else: channel['comment_addr'] = address defined_texts[text] = address tx_block.address = address address += tx_block['block_len'] blocks.append(tx_block) else: channel['comment_addr'] = 0 channel['conversion_addr'] = gp['temp_channel_conversions'][j] channel['source_addr'] = gp['temp_channel_sources'][j] signal_data = self._load_signal_data(channel['data_block_addr']) if signal_data: signal_data = SignalDataBlock(data=signal_data) blocks.append(signal_data) channel['data_block_addr'] = address address += signal_data['block_len'] align = signal_data['block_len'] % 8 if align % 8: blocks.append(b'\0' * (8 - align)) address += 8 - align else: channel['data_block_addr'] = 0 if gp['channel_dependencies'][j]: block = gp['channel_dependencies'][j][0] if isinstance(block, (ChannelArrayBlock, Channel)): channel['component_addr'] = block.address else: channel['component_addr'] = block group_channels = gp['channels'] if group_channels: for j, channel in enumerate(chans[:-1]): channel['next_ch_addr'] = chans[j + 1].address chans[-1]['next_ch_addr'] = 0 # channel dependecies j = 0 while j < len(gp['channels']): dep_list = gp['channel_dependencies'][j] if dep_list and all( not isinstance(dep, ChannelArrayBlock) for dep in dep_list): dep = chans[j+1] channel = chans[j] channel['component_addr'] = dep.address dep = chans[j+len(dep_list)] channel['next_ch_addr'] = dep['next_ch_addr'] dep['next_ch_addr'] = 0 for k, _ in enumerate(dep_list): dep = chans[j+1+k] dep['source_addr'] = 0 j += len(dep_list) else: j += 1 seek(blocks_start_addr, v4c.SEEK_START) for block in blocks: write(bytes(block)) blocks = [] chans = [] address = tell() # channel group gp['channel_group'].address = address gp['channel_group']['next_cg_addr'] = 0 cg_texts = temp_texts['channel_group'][0] for key in ('acq_name_addr', 'comment_addr'): if cg_texts and key in cg_texts: addr_ = temp_texts['channel_group'][0][key] gp['channel_group'][key] = addr_ gp['channel_group']['acq_source_addr'] = 0 gp['data_group']['first_cg_addr'] = address write(bytes(gp['channel_group'])) address = tell() del gp['temp_channel_sources'] del gp['temp_channel_conversions'] temp_texts = None blocks = [] address = tell() gp_rec_ids = [] # data groups for gp in self.groups: gp['data_group'].address = address gp_rec_ids.append(gp['data_group']['record_id_len']) gp['data_group']['record_id_len'] = 0 address += gp['data_group']['block_len'] blocks.append(gp['data_group']) gp['data_group']['comment_addr'] = 0 for i, dg in enumerate(self.groups[:-1]): addr_ = self.groups[i + 1]['data_group'].address dg['data_group']['next_dg_addr'] = addr_ self.groups[-1]['data_group']['next_dg_addr'] = 0 for block in blocks: write(bytes(block)) for gp, rec_id in zip(self.groups, gp_rec_ids): gp['data_group']['record_id_len'] = rec_id if self.groups: addr_ = self.groups[0]['data_group'].address self.header['first_dg_addr'] = addr_ else: self.header['first_dg_addr'] = 0 self.header['file_history_addr'] = self.file_history[0][0].address if self.attachments: addr_ = self.attachments[0][0].address self.header['first_attachment_addr'] = addr_ else: self.header['first_attachment_addr'] = 0 if self.file_comment: self.header['comment_addr'] = self.file_comment.address else: self.header['comment_addr'] = 0 seek(v4c.IDENTIFICATION_BLOCK_SIZE, v4c.SEEK_START) write(bytes(self.header)) for orig_addr, gp in zip(original_data_addresses, self.groups): gp['data_group']['data_block_addr'] = orig_addr for gp in self.groups: for dep_list in gp['channel_dependencies']: if dep_list: if all( isinstance(dep, ChannelArrayBlock) for dep in dep_list): for dep in dep_list: for i, (ch_nr, gp_nr) in enumerate(dep.referenced_channels): grp = self.groups[gp_nr], v4c.SEEK_END) dep['scale_axis_{}_dg_addr'.format(i)] = grp['data_group'].address dep['scale_axis_{}_cg_addr'.format(i)] = grp['channel_group'].address dep['scale_axis_{}_ch_addr'.format(i)] = grp['temp_channels'][ch_nr] seek(dep.address, v4c.SEEK_START) write(bytes(dep)) for gp in self.groups: del gp['temp_channels'] if dst == self.close() os.remove( os.rename(destination, self.groups = [] self.header = None self.identification = None self.file_history = [] self.channels_db = {} self.masters_db = {} self.attachments = [] self.file_comment = None self._ch_map = {} self._master_channel_cache = {} self._tempfile = TemporaryFile() self._file = open(, 'rb') self._read() return dst