Welcome to asammdf’s documentation!

asammdf is a fast parser/editor for ASAM (Associtation for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems) MDF (Measurement Data Format) files.

asammdf supports both MDF version 3 and 4 formats.

asammdf works on Python 2.7, and Python >= 3.4

Project goals

The main goals for this library are:

  • to be faster than the other Python based mdf libraries
  • to have clean and easy to understand code base


  • read sorted and unsorted MDF v3 and v4 files

  • files are loaded in RAM for fast operations

  • handle large files (exceeding the available RAM) using load_measured_data = False argument

  • extract channel data, master channel and extra channel information as Signal objects for unified operations with v3 and v4 files

  • time domain operation using the Signal class

    • Pandas data frames are good if all the channels have the same time based
    • usually a measuremetn will have channels from different sources at different rates
    • the Signal class facilitates operations with such channels
  • remove data group by index or by specifing a channel name inside the target data group

  • append new channels

  • filter a subset of channels from original mdf file

  • convert to different mdf version

  • export to Excel, HDF5 and CSV

  • add and extract attachments

  • mdf 4.10 zipped blocks

Major features not implemented (yet)

  • for version 3

    • functionality related to sample reduction block (but the class is defined)
  • for version 4

    • handling of bus logging measurements
    • handling of unfinnished measurements (mdf 4)
    • mdf 4 channel arrays
    • xml schema for TXBLOCK and MDBLOCK


asammdf uses the following libraries

  • numpy : the heart that makes all tick
  • numexpr : for algebraic and rational channel conversions
  • matplotlib : for Signal plotting
  • wheel : for installation in virtual environments

optional dependencies needed for exports

  • pandas : for DataFrame export
  • h5py : for HDF5 export
  • xlsxwriter : for Excel export


asammdf is available on

pip install asammdf


asammdf relies heavily on dict objects. Starting with Python 3.6 the dict objects are more compact and ordered (implementation detail); asammdf uses takes advantage of those changes so for best performance it is advised to use Python >= 3.6.

Indices and tables